Thirty Nine

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I've been lying in bed for the past two hours now, looking at the ceiling, hearing the same classical music Collin's been playing.

"Alice, I'm serious, if you don't tell me where my phone is-" he starts saying as he storms into the room, gun in hand.

"For the thousandth time, I don't know!" yeah right, I have no idea where his phone is. Stone surely has my location now and he's on his way, I'm sure of it.

"It was here before you fucking stabbed me! I know you took it!"

"Yeah, same way I know you're a freaking psychopath." I calmly say. As a matter of fact, I'm calmer than ever.

"How are you so... quiet?" he asks as he slowly walks towards me with a confused look on his face.

"Death is near, Collin. I advise you to pray a bit now." I chuckle as I look at the ceiling. Now I'm the one who looks crazy.

"The only near death is Stone's, my dear. I'm going to kill him soon. I have it all planned."

"Yeah, I'd love to see you try." I spit out.

"Logically, you won't be there to see that, since, you know, you're gonna be cuffed to that bed for the rest of your life." he says and chuckles at his own joke. What an asshole. "Another thing, yes, its going to happen, Alice. When he gives up on searching for you, he'll probably fall into depression. I'll catch him alone, and do my shot. Heck, he'll probably wanna die anyways." His plan does make a lot of sense, but Stone is going to find me, I'm sure of it.

"Where is that fucking phone?" he shouts and start looking. And for me, I only start praying.


Stone's POV:

We ended up arriving at the location within two hours, me behind the wheel of course.

I ordered everyone not to park so close to the house, I wanted to sneak in and surprise the guy. Another part of my order was for me to go in alone with Axel and Hunter. I don't need too much men making noise.

"Walk slowly." I command as we get closer to the house and it becomes in sight, holding our guns up. I'm not killing Collin Scott. Well, I am going to kill him, just slowly and painfully.

We quietly reach the front door, I try opening it but its locked. "Hunter." I say and move aside, letting my lock expert do his work.

He takes out a small clip from his pocket and starts shuffling through the lock. My lips form an evil smile when I hear the door getting unlocked.

I slowly place my foot inside and quietly cuss at each creaking sound I make through the wooden floor. My heart is racing, not from fear, but from the fact that I finally found Alice and she's in the same house as me now.

"Search this floor." I order and each one goes in a different direction. For a small house it really is confusing from the inside.

I follow the pathway of the phone Alice called me from on my own cellphone. Finding myself in the kitchen, it says I'm right beside it. I call the phone and my eyes travel up to the cabinets the second I hear its ringtone. That's my smart girl.

I quickly cancel the call and hide behind the counter that's placed in the middle of the kitchen when I hear running footsteps coming my way.

Someone is in this kitchen with me right now. I peek from behind the counter and its him. Its that sick fuck, Collin Scott. May he not rest in peace when I'm finally done with him.

He's obviously looking for his stupid phone. I quietly move away each time he comes closer to me.

He's busy looking in the cabinets, so I immediately escape the kitchen, making no sound at all.

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