Forty Four

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My deepest apologies for not updating earlier. I think almost everyone knows about the explosion in Beirut, Lebanon now, so I've been really busy helping around and stuff like that. I hope everyone understands <3

And I really appreciate everyone who has messaged me, privately and on my message board, thank you so much <3

BTW this story ends in like two chapters I think which makes me so sad ;(


It has been a week since the bonfire. A week since I last spoken or seen Stone.

To be honest, I feel like complete sh*t. I misread things without hearing him out, acted completely childish, and I let him leave without even trying to stop him.

This week has been really awful. I go to school and back, only. And the minute I'm home I lock myself in my room. The only people I have been talking to are my dad and Steph. I've seen my dad twice since the bonfire, and he refuses to tell me anything about Stone. He kept talking about how Stone trusts him and how he made dad promise not to tell me anything about him.

Knock, knock. "Come in." I softly say as I'm lying in my bed listening to 'Be Alright' by Dean Lewis.

"Hey." Steph gently says as she sets foot in my room and gives me a warm smile. "I bought your favorite cereal." she says and I look at the bowl in her hand. I eye the delicious fruit loops swimming in milk. I haven't ate properly since last Saturday.

"Thanks." I mumble as I straighten my posture and Steph walks over to me. She hands me the cereal bowl and throws herself on my bed.

"I'm just glad you're eating something." she says. "You know, its a lovely Saturday evening, the weather is amazing. We can go for a drive, maybe get some Starbucks?" Steph proposes and looks me, awaiting for my answer.

"No, thank you, I don't feel like going out."

"Alice, come on, you can't stay like this. You need to go outside!" she exclaims.

"Steph, I don't want to." I coldly reply.

"Have you at least tried to talk to him?"

"I... I called him once. Two days ago, actually. But... he didn't answer." I say as I start to feel the tears forming in my eyes.

"That's it?" she asks and I slowly nod at her with a deep frown on my face. "Why don't you go over to his place. He'll be forced to talk to you if its in person."

"Exactly, Steph, he'll be forced to. I don't want him to talk to because he's forced to, I want him to talk to me because he wants to." I tell her. I don't think I'm making sense.

"Its just a matter of time, and you guys will be back together. I mean, its Stone, he loves you." Steph says.

"How could I have been so stupid?" I say as I put the bowl of cereal aside and burry my face into my hands.

"What do you mean?"

"Stone loves me, you just said it. Why did I ignore this from the beginning? I focused on the forced relationship not... not on my true feelings. Not on him, and how he's great. He's just... amazing. He treats me in a good way and protects me and he cares about me, and I just... I didn't see that. I only saw the bad side of him, the side he despises... I... I ruined everything."

Steph seems taken aback by my words. As if she didn't know that this is how I truly feel.

She pauses for a few seconds before standing. "You didn't ruin everything. Its not too late. You have to go and see him like, right now!"

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