OC Description

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Name: Laila 

Age: 17

Birthdate: October 2nd

Species: Earth Angel

Height: 5'4

Weight: 120 lbs.

Occupation: N/A

Health: 5/5

Strength: 5/5

Stamina: 4/5

Intelligence: 3/5

Discipline: 4/5

Creativity: 5/5

Charisma: 5/5

Social Skills: 4/5

Confidence: 2.5/5

Humor: 4/5

Passion: 5/5

Empathy: 5/5

Attitude: 3/5

Jealous: 1/5

Pervert: 0/5

Cool: 4/5

Cute: 5/5

Scary: 4/5

Fun: 5/5

Fashion: 5/5

Laziness: 3/5

Cooking: 5/5

Cleaning: 4/5

Repair: 4/5

Hygiene: 5/5

Mean: 2/5

Patience: 3/5

Played by Audrey Hepburn

        What is an Earth Angel?

An Earth Angel is an angel that is born on earth with no memory of their true heritage.  Earth Angel's are raised by a human family that tests their strengths from a young age.  Earth Angels are mean't to protect humans that they know they need to protect, not like a guardian angel who is assigned a human.  When Earth Angels complete their mission on earth they leave by dying.  The Earth Angel is then promoted to a real angel and gets to watch over the friends they had made on earth.

        What's Laila's story?

Laila was raised in the Southern Water Tribe along with Sokka and Katara.  Her mother had died during child birth, causing her father to keep his distance from Laila.  She was raised by Katara and Sokka's parents and pretty much lived at their tent.  Laila's father and Katara and Sokka's mother were both killed during a fire nation raid, causing Laila's depression.  She had been diagnosed when she was thirteen, but wasn't given any special help.

        The little things...

Laila and Sokka were closer then she is with Katara since they were closer in age.  

Laila was more of an older sister to Katara then a friend.  

Laila and Sokka both enjoy training the younger children.  

Laila isn't a bender like Katara is but she has other special gifts.

Sokka had a huge crush on Laila and still does

Katara thinks that Laila is the prettiest person she's ever met

Katara and Sokka are convinced Laila can talk to animals

Laila has a natural rose smell

Toph also had a crush on her but it didn't last very long

Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai all knew that Laila was an angel from the moment they met her 

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