Chapter 3

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It was late evening Tyler cameback. Stella was tidying up and she just put the twins to bed. Stella ask Tyler can they talk. Tyler agreed and sat down together ' Tyler I sorry about earlier I never meant to upset you just that I feel uncomfortable with the twins calling you Dad' 'I understand that Kelly there Dad and I respect what you saying and I would never try to replace Kelly I know how much he means to you but babe he not here I am here I'm your future now and I love you and I love the twins as my own it been 6 years since Kelly gone I know it hard but you got to move on you got to let him go.' Tyler squeezed Stella hand and Stella agreed they both hugged and went to bed.

The next morning Stella was making getting the twin change and Tyler was making them breakfast after Stella finish getting the ready and Tyler was giving the twins there breakfast Stella realise she missed a call from Jay and he left a voicemail asking her to come into the station when she can and it urgent. she wonder what it was about she did thought is it Kelly but she weren't to sure it been 6 years and she hasn't had any news for ages now. Tyler had finish giving the twins there breakfast and Stella was going to take them to daycare and told Tyler she has to pop into work. She never wanted to tell him that Jay called incase it was about Kelly. She felt awkward after she promise to try to let go of Kelly. Apart of her couldn't let go.

She got to the station and she spoke to Trudy who called Jay who then took her in a private room with this other man she hasn't seen before. Jay introduced him as neil tucker and he a police office in New York Stella asks 'what is this all about? 'It about Kelly' 'what about him?' Jay ask if she wanted some water and if she wanted somebody with her and told her she going to have a shock Stella said no she fine and then Jay told her he will let Neil explain Stella look at Neil for an explanation 'I been working a case under surveillance on drug smuggling for the past 5 years at first we never realise who this person was we thought he was one of them if we have known we would of acted sooner and tried to get him out of there but only we found out who he really is. He been going by the name of James Andrews' Stella looked at him and said 'who is this James Andrews? 'His real name is Kelly severide'

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