Chapter 6

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After 10 minutes of Gabby hugging Stella and after her and Casey trying  to find out from Stella what made her this upset. Some of the other saw and ask if she okay Casey told to go back inside while they try to calm her. Casey never wanted to overcrowd her also he knew it was something serious cause she hardly come to the firehouse so it had to be big.

Stella lifted her head up and took a deep breath Gabby ask she she okay Stella reply I don't know can we go somewhere private to talk please. They took her to the briefing room they said is boden here I think he needs to hear it aswell yes Casey went to get boden. Gabby ask if she wanted something Stella said no she apologised for crying on her shoulder she tried not to but it all got to much for her. Gabby said it was fine boden and Casey came in the room and sat down  and Casey close the blinds boden said 'Hi Stella casey told me you upset and need to tell us something is that correct? Stella nodded 'take you time remember we all here for you at 51' 'thank 51 is like an family I know I been staying away but it reminds me to much of Kelly' 'we understand' 'it just that I don't know what to do I confuse my head is spinning and right now' Gabby puts her arms around her and asks 'is it the twins or Tylerare they okay?' Stella look and said 'the twins are fine and Tyler we had a argument the other day and I made an promise but I'm going to have to break that promise' 'what promise? has Tyler hurt you?' ' no he hasn't hurt me sorry I just don't know how to tell you it quite a long story' Matt out his had on top her and told her to take her time' Stella took an deep breathing carry on 'I had a voicemail from jay asking me to come to pd I never told Tyler so made some lie that I got to pick something from work. I never wanted to tell him where I was going I afraid of upsetting him. When I got there jay took me to a room where another cop was there from New York that when he told me' stella put her hands to her face she was trying hold her tears in all of them worried then she took an deep breath said 'they found Kelly he alive' they look at eachother in disbelief so then Gabby ask 'he alive what happen?' 'Yes he alive and he been living in New York'  Stella then went on and told them the rest of the story after she finish they all sat there in shock. Gabby then ask your saying Kelly can't remember anything before the accident' now he can't remember anyone of us' 'she then look up said ' there something else and it going to be a big ask' they ask what is it? They ask me if I go to New York to see him to see whether it would trigger something I don't know' Matt then ask 'do you want someone to go with you?' Well that just it I got the twins to think about it there birthday in an couple of days and I don't want to missed it I can't go also I don't really want to leave them with Tyler  cause I scare how he react cause the argument I mention earlier Charlie was asking his dad and Tyler told him he can call him dad which started an argument and told Tyler I never wanted the twins to call him dad and in the end we made an agreement that i would try to let Kelly go' 'Gabby then ask are you?' 'No this changes anything I want Kelly to be part of the twins life I just not sure how Tyler would feel about it that all' they all talked and it was agreed that Gabby and Matt would go to New York and hopefully he agree to comeback to Chicago and if he did Matt and Gabby was going to offer him to stay at there.

Stella left pretty soon after that. She got an text from Tyler saying he was going to pick the twins up. She was exhausted. They agreed to keep things quiet about Kelly for the time being.

When she got back home Tyler has set up a surprise meal for her and he had the twins helping' this was the last thing Stella wanted she just wanted to relax but instead she had to pretend that everything was okay. After they had desert Tyler ask the twins to show Stella there drawings. She look at them and she was shocked by the message and furious at the same time she sat there in silence the twins staring at her waiting for her to answer the question on there drawing and Tyler ask if she was going to answer the question. Stella got up and put the dishes in the sink she took a deep breath thinking this is all she needs she turn around and they looking at her and Tyler looking like he was getting annoyed and Stella told the twins to go to there room they tried to argue and but she shouted go now. Once they was out the way she turn at  to Tyler and ask 'what the hell you think you playing at' 'what I love you I just want us to be a family that all come one I love the twins like my own' 'they not yours kids though' 'what I been there for them it seems right' 'oh right is it No it not right did you not listed to me the other day when I said I wasn't comfortable with my kids calling you dad' yes but we had that talk where you promised you let Kelly go he not here anymore' you know what how dare you use my kids to ask me you get what you want' ' I wasn't like that I see the twins as mine you know that' well they not and the answer to you questions is no I will not marry you or let my twins call you dad' Stella I love them twins and I love you kelly is dead and you need to move on and accept then Stella turn around and shouted 'Kelly not dead he alive and sooner or later my twins will have there dad back in there lives' 'what you dreaming where is he then? Did he do a runner cause he couldn't face up to his responsibilities what type of man leaves his pregnant wife alone I always thought he was a looser the first time I met and this just proves it' Stella slap Tyler round the face hard and screams at him 'Kelly is more or man then you ever be at least he make me feel alive and don't you ever disrespect my husband' 'oh husband now so that didn't bother you the past 2 years did it' Tyler got closer to Stella 'when you were sleeping with me stella went to slap him but Tyler went to grab her hand and called her an ungrateful bitch who needs to be taught a lesson. Tyler punched her in the face she falls on the floor then Tyler loose in and start trashing the house up and throwing anything he could find at Stella. One of the twins comes out Stella screams at them to get back in the room and lock it she never wanted to twins to see. Tyler then grab her an said he going to her who the man he was trying to pulled Stella trousers down but Stella was kicking making it hard for him to she then grabbed something and hit him over the head which knocked him unconscious.

She slowly got up and look at Tyler she check if he was breathing and then she could hear the twins crying she immediately went to them and got them and grabbed her car keys she had to get out she was scare of Tyler waking up. She put them in the car she grabbed her mobile.  She never knew where to go. So she phone jay and told him he told her to drive to the police station and he will send uniform and an ambulance to her house.

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