Story of Tonight (Hamilton AU)

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Luther just got married. To the girl he has loved all of his life, Allison. Since they weren't actually siblings, the marriage was approved.

Luther, Ben, and Klaus walk outside of the mansion to hang out.

Klaus was high of course and yells out, "I may not live to see our glory."

Ben, trailing behind him, scoffs and responds, " With you getting high every day, you definitely won't be."

Klaus puts a hand to his chest and mocks hurts.
"How rude!"

Klaus then leans on Ben who is obviously annoyed but lets it slide.

Diego then walks outside and shouts to everyone, " I've seen wonders great and small!
Cause if the ape man can get married...There's hope for our ass, after all!"

Luther gets ready to punch him but doesn't. He can't help but laugh at the remark.

They all just stand around until Ben raises his glass saying, "Raise a glass to freedom!"

Everyone else raises their glasses.

Then Diego mutters, "Something you will never see matter what she tells you."

Klaus giggles and throws himself on Diego saying, " Hehe Eudora doesn't let you get out much?"

Diego grimaces and instead of answering he just says, "Let's have another round tonight."

Ben raises his glass again.

"Raise a glass to the four of us!"

Diego suddenly smiles and says, "To the newly not poor of us!"


Then Five walks out, a cup of coffee in his hand, and says, " Allison told me you were outside."

Luther crosses his arms and says, " Well, if it isn't Five."

Five scoffs and responds," Luther."

"I didn't think that you would make it."

"To be sure."


"I came to say congratulations."

Ben steps forward and says," Say a speech, Five."

Five turns to face the other. " I see the whole gang is here."

Klaus takes another sip of his drink and says, "You are the worst, Five."

Luther pushes Klaus and Ben away muttering, " Ignore them.
Congrats to you, space jumper
I wish I had your power instead of being a strong monkey man."

Five smirks. "No, you don't."

"Yes, I do."

"Now, be sensible
From what I hear, Allison loves strong hairy men."

Five laughs to himself. Luther frowns.

Then Klaus grabs Five and leans on him while laughing and saying, "Well, well, I heard
You've got a special someone on the side, Burr..."

Five looks at Klaus and responds, "That's not my name..."

Luther, Ben, and Diego look at Five in shock as Diego questions, " Is that so?"

Klaus continues, " What are you trying' to hide, Five?"

Five's eyes darken as he mutters, "I should go."

Luther steps forward. "No, these guys should go."

Diego shouts, "What?"

Ben frowns. "No"

Luther turns back towards the guys saying, "Leave us alone."

Klaus scoffs, "Man."

They all walk back inside reluctantly.

Luther walks towards Five smiling, "It's alright, Five...I wish you'd brought this girl with you tonight, Five."

Five, a little softer, replies, "You're very kind, but I'm afraid it's not possible right now, Luther."

"What do you mean?"

"She's not here."

"I see..."

"She is stuck in the future..."

"Oh shit."

"Congrats again, Luther. Smile more. I'll see you at the next reunion."

Five begins to walk away.

Luther shakes his head saying, "I will never understand usually are so determined to fight for those you love. What are you waiting for?

Five turns back and sadly smiles, "I'll see you at the next reunion."

As Five walks away, Luther calls after him, " I'll see you at the next reunion."

" That's One Badass Stapler" Aidan Gallagher and Five Hargreeves ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now