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So this is one of my favorite songs ever and I just had to write about it. Some lyrics will be spoken and some will just be there. All lyrics are in bold. You should listen to the song while reading this. It's called Pioneers by For King and Country.



Pioneers - a person or people who are among the first to explore or settle in an area.

Five and you never fought often, and if you did it would be about petty things like drinking his whole mug of coffee. It was never this bad...

You just found out that Five made a deal with The Handler without talking to you about it.

"Five, we are in this TOGETHER! That is what being in a relationship means! You do not get to make these kinds of decisions on your own! Everything you do affects me now."

"Well, that's why I did it. For you!. For us!"

"Yes, because making a decision WITHOUT telling me is good for us."

He bangs his desk and turns to you, "Hey, I am the smart one in this thing."

You glare at him and say, "This thing? It's called being married, Five. It's a fucking commitment where BOTH parties have a say in what happens around here!"

He spacial jumps around the room, knocking over everything in anger.

You wave your hands mockingly and shout, "Oh look, dingleberry is on parade!"

He spacial jumps out of the room and leaves you alone in the chaos of a room.

---------------------------------THAT NIGHT---------------------------------------

Five lay silent on the bed while you sat in the bay window of the room, watching the rain fall.

The soft taps of the rain seem to mimic the soft thumps of your breaking heart.

Neither one of you has spoken a word since that morning.

You glance quickly at Five and meet his eyes. You both quickly look away not wanting to make the first move. But, to your surprise, Five begins to speak,

"I am here, you are there, lying side by side.

Out of touch, out of reach in the great divide.

Parallel lines."

You look at him, your eyes watering. You turn your gaze back to the window.

Hear the rain, count the drops on the windowpane


You face him again and interrupt him,

"Wide awake, stalemate, why do we play this game? Oh God, I hate this game..."

He covers his mouth as to hold in his sobs. He fails and the tears spill out quickly. He runs quickly out the door and down the stairs, crying softly.

Throw open the doors

You quickly get up and run after him, calling out his name. You love him too much to let him go.

You know my heart is yours

He runs out the door into the storm with you close behind.

Let's be pioneers

He stops ad you can hear him sniffling. He begins to say, "(Y/n), What are we waiting for? We are a mess together.

And we'll build our home

But I still love you. I can't live without you. I don't want to live without you...

In the great unknown

(Y/n)...can you forgive me?"

Let's be pioneers

You look up at the sky and whisper,

"There's a song that we sang on our honeymoon

I remember all the words but forgot the tune.

You look at him and fall to your knees on the gravel ground sobbing.

Why are we out of tune?"

He runs to you and hugs you tightly saying,

"Let's forgive and let's forgive again. I'm reaching out to my sweetest friend.

Can we start again?"

You hug him back saying, "I forgive you. I love you. I honestly love you so much. Please, just remember that we are in this together. You and me. Always."

Throw open the doors

His hands run through your now damp hair as he replies, "I love you too. So much. You and me. Always. But please trust me? I would never do anything that could harm you."

You know my heart is yours

You nod and he kisses you deeply, his wet clothes clung to his body.

What are we waiting for?

You chuckle, " Seems like we both have things we can work on."

Let's be pioneers

He smiles at you, "Yeah, like you not drinking my coffee."

And we'll build our home

You kiss him again.

In the great unknown

He holds you tightly. And the memories of the tears once shed wash away with every raindrop.

Let's be pioneers

And we'll build our home

In the great unknown

Let's be pioneers

Let's be pioneers

Pioneers - a person or people who are among the first to explore or settle in an area. An area of trust and communication. An area of true love.

" That's One Badass Stapler" Aidan Gallagher and Five Hargreeves ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now