Burning: Centuries

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Sequel to Burning: Crazy in Love

Some Centuries by Fall Out Boy lyrics are in here which I do not own.


You decide to visit your parents the next weekend. As soon as you got home, you realized your mother was gone...and your father was drunk.

You cleaned up all the beer bottles on the counter and walked towards the living room.
"Dad?" you call out.

You see your dad get up from his chair and walk over to you saying," Well, there she is! Back from the dead. Goes off to her special school and leaves the rest of us here to rot. You are not even special. If you disappeared no one would notice. No one cares about you. No one will remember you. You are a nobody. A nobody who gets everything handed to her on a silver platter."

You feel tears coming to your eyes and you clench your fists as you whisper, "You don't mean that. You are just drunk."

You rush out of your house and you hear your father yell out after you, "Yeah, that's right. Run away like you always do!"

You were surely crying as you ran to the nearest alley you could find. Your hands were burning, your anger and sadness turning into flames on your fingers. Your powers were getting out of control.

You could feel the fire forming around as you continued to sob

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You could feel the fire forming around as you continued to sob.

As the fire grew larger and hotter you whispered to yourself, "No, it's nothing wrong with me"

You feel yourself floating off of the ground while people in the buildings next door started screaming.

Call 911, you thought to yourself, I can't stop myself


You knew that voice. It was Five. He looks up at you, in shock.

"(Y/n), I don't know what happened but I can help you. We can fix it together."

You smile sadly at him and reply, "He made fun of me. Told me I'm a nobody. And I can't stop till the whole word knows my name."

"Who is he? Just forget what he told you!"

"Five, I am the opposite of amnesia!"

"(Y/n), you are not a nobody. You just are still in training. And you're a cherry blossom. You're about to bloom. Then when you do great things like I know you will, then the world will know your name."

You lower yourself to the ground, looking at all the chaos you started as you say,
"Some legends are told...Some turn to dust or to gold. But you will remember me...Remember me, for centuries. Just one mistake is all it will take..."

The fire in your hands burns out and Five runs to hold you.

You whisper to him while crying, "Remember me for centuries..."

He kisses the top of your head and holds you tightly saying, "Baby...you are not a nobody. You know how I know?"

You look up at him and ask, "How?"

He kisses your lips and puts his forehead against yours and responds, "You aren't a nobody...because you are everything to me."

"And you are everything to me."

" That's One Badass Stapler" Aidan Gallagher and Five Hargreeves ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now