Long Story

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A/n: I wanted to write something sad you know? To get in the feels...

Enjoy! Btw listen to the song while reading if you want extra sadness

It has been 44 years, 6 months, 2 days, 11 hours since Five disappeared.

Right before he left, he promised he would return to you. Return to your arms.

He made a promise he couldn't keep.

Ever since you found out he didn't come back, everything was like a movie. Something you weren't really a part of. You would take a bath every day, sitting in the cold water, not knowing whether the water on your face was the murky water or the salty tears. Somehow, you always ended up back in your room, sitting on your bed, not being able to feel anything. At first, everyone would console you, try to get you out of your room, but slowly they all started fighting all of the time. You always heard the shouts but never had enough will to see what was wrong. They soon all left. One by one.

The first to go was Ben, who died during a mission.

Then it was Klaus, who took Dad's best wines and ran out.

Diego followed, after a huge argument with Luther.

Allison wanted to become a star, so eventually, she packed her bags and left.

Vanya didn't feel at home so she took her violin and called a cab.

The last one to leave was Luther, who was sent to the moon according to Dad's mission orders.

You couldn't move. you couldn't breathe. Your heart couldn't beat.

As soon as Five left, you tried to bring him back, testing on yourself different experiments. Now with every year gone by, you only aged by an hour. 45 years turned to 45 hours of growth. You wished it would go faster, making you old and grey and ready to die. It was better than being in this blur of a life.

Pogo tried talking to you. So did Grace. You wouldn't respond but they would keep coming back.

One day, you faintly heard Pogo say that Reginald Hargreeves was dead.

Apparently, your siblings came back for the service. For the funeral, you were led by Grace to the backyard, umbrella in your hand.

You could barely make out what they were saying and arguing about.

Suddenly, a blue light lit up the ground. You slowly looked up and saw a portal...where an old man was trying to jump through...

He succeeded but in doing so he turned into a young boy who made you cry out.

He looked up at the sound and tears came to his eyes.

You then heard Klaus say, "Does anyone else see little Five?"

You ran to him and grabbed him tightly.

Klaus spoke again, "Ok, does anyone see (Y/n) moving on her own?"

"Five..." you whispered.

He shushes you gently and responds, "I promised you that I would return to you."

He kisses you and you feel alive again.

You feel fixed.

"Where were you, Five?"

He smiles sadly and replies, "It's a long story. But, you, how are still young?"

You grab his hand tightly.

"It's a long story.

" That's One Badass Stapler" Aidan Gallagher and Five Hargreeves ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now