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Sweating is uncomfortable, therefore physical education sucks.

"Hyora, come on! We have to find our teammates!" Hanna said as she pulled her to the field.

Hyora groaned. "Kill me now."

It has only been a few days since she'd started attending school, but she already had to succumb to the undeniable pain in the ass of a class. The girls were playing dodgeball, while the boys played soccer nearby.

"Can't I just sit by the steps and wait for class to be over?" she complained.

"No," Hanna replied, her excited smile almost covering her entire face. "Oh, by the way, I have to tell you something!"

"Yeah? Can't that wait? We're literally about to start throwing balls at each other."

"This will be quick, I swear!"

Hanna pulled her by the side while the girls continued choosing teams.

"So I was scrolling through Facebook last night—"

"Instead of studying," Hyora cut in. "Classic Kang Hanna."

"That's not the point! What I'm saying is that a cousin of mine of the same age posted that he's applying for an art scholarship!"

Hyora arched a brow. "An art scholarship? Where?"

"That's the best part!" Hanna gushed. "That university you love so much in Hongdae is open for scholarships. And all you have to do is pass an art portfolio!"

Her lips parted in shock. The university... It's been a while since I sneaked into of their classes.

Ever since she left for China, she'd been planning her course of action this year: pass all of her classes, find a part-time job, continue accepting art commissions, and skip the CSAT. College has always been a blurry part of her vision of her future—always a maybe or maybe not option—but with the mention of an art scholarship to her beloved university, how could she possibly pass it up?

"With all the art works you've accumulated over the years, how could you ever pass this opportunity up?" Hanna added, as though she just read her mind.

When their teacher blew the whistle to signal the start of their game, Hyora could hardly keep the idea of applying to her dream university out of her mind, nevertheless she ran to the center line to grab as much balls as she can. Then she quickly ran behind her group mates and tried aiming for opposing players from there.

She could barely keep up with her teammates. It hasn't even been fifteen seconds but she was already panting. Meanwhile Hanna was like a fucking ballerina, moving and turning just in time before a ball could hit her.

"Oh, fuck!" Hyora said, barely missing a ball flying over her head.

"You okay there, Hyo?!" Hanna yelled as she threw a ball straight on the shoulder of one of their opponents.

"Yeah, yeah! Focus!"

As soon as she said that, she ate her words.

By the soccer field, Baekhyun was just walking around like he wasn't taking their game seriously. And not to mention, he was also looking over her direction. Was he looking at her? Where the hell was he looking?

She averted her gaze from him, shaking her head. Put your head in the game, you bitch!

A ball was flying straight towards her, and with a last-minute decision, she raised her hands over her chest and caught it.

"Shit, I caught it!" she said in surprise.

Her team cheered when the opposing player was eliminated. Laughing, she subconsciously looked over at the soccer field, and Baekhyun was looking at her again.

Before You Know It | BAEKHYUNWhere stories live. Discover now