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After Baekhyun fought to the death with Taehyung over a literal cafeteria chair, Hyora was convinced that she'd soon witness the day when Byun Baekhyun finally talks to her again.

That day, however, did not come.

The week was coming to an end and yet he still hasn't spared her a glance nor spoke a word to her unless needed, like that one time when she dropped her pen and he picked it up for her, or when she was tasked to check their quizzes and he had no choice but to ask her for his paper.

All those days with a ruler away from each other and nothing has changed between them, and every passing day Jongdae would look at them and sigh in disapproval, wondering why he even bothered to switch seats with Baekhyun in the first place.

To make matters worse, Hyora still didn't know where the hell the letter has gone to. If it somehow got into the hands of someone untrustworthy, or if, God forbid, that maybe Byun Baekhyun himself has it, then she might as well dig up a hole to bury herself into and wait until she rots to death.

"Nam Hyora."

She jumped in her seat and lifted her gaze only to meet her teacher's narrowed eyes.

"You seem deep in thought," Mr. Han said. "Would you mind answering the problem we have been discussing while you were stuck in your own head?"

"Oh. Um..."

She looked around in a panic, seeing that her classmates were looking at her worriedly. She glanced at Chanyeol, but he seemed to be equally confused as her.

As a last resort, she turned to Baekhyun, and she didn't even have the time to be surprised when she saw him looking back at her.

"Do you even know the question?" the teacher pressed.

Her eyes widened when she saw Baekhyun stealthily showing her his notebook from under his desk.

She just needed to find the fourth derivative of the given function

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She just needed to find the fourth derivative of the given function. She knew how to answer it, but how could she under all this pressure?

"Yes, sir," she answered, her voice dripping with fake confidence.

Mr. Han arched a brow. "All right. Then you must know the correct answer, considering that this has been taught last year?"

"Y-yes, sir, um..."

Hiding her face behind her hair, she nervously peeked at Baekhyun's notebook, where he wrote down the answer large enough for her to see. Then she pretended to be solving the problem on her own notebook.

She cleared her throat and looked up. "The fourth derivative of the function is 1680x to the third power."

For a moment, she thought that her teacher had noticed that she was getting help from a classmate, or that maybe Baekhyun deliberately showed her the wrong answer to embarrass her, but then Mr. Han let out a gentle cough and turned his attention back to the board.

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