Chapter 3- Follow your dreams!

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Still Louis' POV

Maybe, dreams do come true in some lifes. Mine did.

I feel so happy around Harry! Zayn and Niall, i'm not sure but woah, they are close. To close...

But I really hope they become a couple! We could like go on double dates!

Ahh, speaking of the devil, here comes the two school whores.

"Hi Sexy." The blonde purred into my ear.

''Ugh, Hi?'' I say.

''There's no need in hiding you like us.."

"But, I don't.. sorry to burst your bubble.."

The girls look furious.

Then BAM, I feel a burning sensation on my left cheek.

''You bitch'' I screeched... Y'no, in a manly way.

A red head girl comes up to Blondie here and slaps her.

"What was that for" Blondie screeched.

"No reason... Just next time I see you slapping another person... you won't be slapped.. there will be so much more then slapping." Red head... wow, I need to learn peoples names...

Blondie huffed and stomped away with her little follower.

While, I bust out laughing.

Red looks over to me and I stop laughing. Hopefully she won't flirt with me..

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna flirt with you, I know your gay."


"Wait a second... Red hair... brown roots... glasses.. The eyes.... Ohmygosh... El!!!!" I scream.

El laughs and opens up her arms. I run into them of course.

"Hi, Lou" I can feel El smiling into my neck since she's shorter then me.

I then burst into tears.

"Its okay, Lou, I'm here now.. I'm here.."

El has been lost for years now.. She's my Bestest friend

I see Harry stomping his was over here.. oh shit..

Harry yanks me away from El and starts yelling at her.

El starts trembling.. not because he's yelling at her.. because the way he yanked me away from El..

"Back off bitch! Louis is mine, not yours you whore!" I hear, my head snaps over to Harry, I try to push him but I can't.. so I slap him..

"Back of Harry!" I scream.

Harry eyes flash with hurt.

"Dammit Harry! El is my bestest friend!"

"El, Are you okay?!"  I ask frantically 

''I'm fine." She said glaring at Harry.

"Well Louis, I have to get back to Bumper at College." But with her accent, when she said 'Bumper' It sounded like 'Bumpah' 

Harry look confused.

"El has a brother at College, She is also in  College." I snap.

"I'm sorry I did that to your best friend! Please forgive me Boo." Harry looked sincere.

"Fine.. I forgive you!" I Gave in and kissed Harry.

El squealed. "Omg! Louis!!"  But then she glares at Harry, " I still don't like you."

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