Chapter 11- Unexpected Secrets...

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Hey guys, Elle here. Sorry I havent updated in a while, but today i'm updating today. So I'm in class, so I dont know if I can finish, But i'll try!



"I'm a werewolf, all of us are!" Jordan said.

I shake my head no, and I say, "Prove it! All of you."

Jordan nods and takes me back to the frat house. Which reminds me I dont know where I am. Once we get back to the frat house I see everyone in the living room.

"Elle! Are you mad at me?" Donald looks at me worridly.

I shake my head and say, "No, I'm just suprised. Why didn't you tell me?"

Donald lowers his head, "You were supposed to find out on your own. But that thing came out," His voice goes sharp and mean when he says 'thing' and everyone else growls, "And is trying to get to you and take you away from our pack and have you for their own!"

My face turns into confusion and I say, "Whos 'they' and why me?"

Then Jordan steps in and says, "Elle, you and I are both alphas. We are two different packs, but we combined our packs, to become stronger. And we are, together we can take down our enemies. Who are out to get you. But, You need to let out your inner wolf. We don't know how long that can take. But we're going to have to force it out."

I ignore the ending of what she said and focus on the beginning, "Wait, if our paks are combined, would'nt I remember?" I ask.

"Thats what we thought, but our enemy.. Who got you, is called 'The Wanted'," And every one growls again at the name, "Captured you and erased your memory because, Well no one knows what they did which only makes Donald more angry. But they got to you and now they are realizing that your memory is coming back, and that soon you'll remember what you are and what they did to you and you'll tell Donald, and Donald will want to kill them, oh and I forgot to tell you, One Direction are Vampires, and no we arent arch eneimies, stupid humans think that, But we are really close to the vampires."

I think about what she said and I let that sink in, "So I'm a were wolf, I'm best friends with vampires, my brother and sister are werewofves. Along with my boyfriend.. What is Little Mix?!" I scream at the end.

And just then everyone goes quite.. Especially the Bella's. Well, Atleast for of them.

"Well, Actually Elle.. We are Little Mix. We're just shape shifters." Aubry says, But turns into Perrie.

"Ohh thats creepy and cool! But omg you guys are shape shifters! Who is a fairy?! Wait no, I dont want to know.. To much drama has already happened." I scream.

I go into Donalds room and I lie on the bed.

Sombody followed me because sombody is knocking on the door.

"Go away please!" I shout.

The person listened and left.

Then somebodyn knowcked on the window. Then it got colder, and my window was opened, with someone whispering my name, I jump off the bed and look around the room. Nobody is in here.. "Elle... Look at me. Look into my eyes."

I ignore it and then somebody comes into my vision, and the guy attackes me.

But I dont scream. Something crazier happens...

I turn into a wolf... A WOLF!

I'm black and white with bright Hazel eyes!

But I then attack the person, ignoring that i'm a wolf.

I bite his leg, Ew this is weird but I cant stop.

I then say, "Leave. And never come back to this state again!" I say feeling like im in command.

The persons eyes changed and obeys and leaves...

Omg, this is to weird.


Well I hope you like it! Sorry i cant do spell check. I'm rushing cuz the periods almost over! BYEEEEE


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