Through Highs & lows: Chapter 79

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"Whatever where are we eating?" He says, still sounding salty. "Uh...? Wherever you guys want." I say, now looking around. "Wanna go to the burger shack?" Colby suggests. "Sounds good to me." Sam says. Kat and I both nod our heads in agreement. "Okay it's settled. Let's go before it's too late." Sam says. We all get into the car and drive to Burger Shack. Kat sits up front along with Sam, and Colby and I obviously sit in the back. He sat behind Sam and I sat right next to him in the middle seat. I only sat in the middle solely to lay my head on Colby's shoulder. He wraps his arm around me, pulling me even closer. "See I knew you couldn't be mad at me." I whisper to him. He sticks out his tongue, making an ugly face. I just laugh, and lift my head up giving him a quick kiss. Then I lay my head back on his shoulder. I guess Kat saw, because I heard a quiet awe come from her. When I glanced over to her, she was turnt away, pretending she didn't . I hear a low chuckle come from Colby, then I feel him lay his head on top of mine. "Caroline...?" Kat voice rings out. "Yeah?" I ask curiously, because of her tone. "I'm surprised you can walk. I knew Colby was over exaggerating." Kat laughs. I lift my head and start choking on my spit in shock. After coughing for like three minutes I finally catch my breath, while Sam and Kat continue laughing. Colby on the other hand was rubbing my back, but I could tell he was trying not to laugh. "You went into detail!?" I ask, like he's insane. "No.... well yes, but not like that. I just went into detail on how weak your legs were." He stutters out. He twists one of the rings on his finger, as he talks. He does that whenever he's nervous, it's one of his tell tell signs. I cross my arms and give him a similar glare to the one he gave me earlier, when I scared him. "What? That's not that bad is it?" He says hesitantly meeting my gaze. Kat and Sam continue laughing, but it's slightly died down now. I start to smile and return into my old position, laying my head on his shoulder. He hesitantly lays his arm back around. "What you're right." I say in an almost petty tone. "I am?" He asks. "Yeah. You clearly didn't do that much damage anyways." I shrug. After saying that, Kat and Sam both erupt into the same loud laughter as before, if not louder. Colby's face turned shocked, and I have to suck in my lips to keep from bursting into laughter. "Is that a challenge?" He asks with an intimidating tone. "No sir it is not. I very much enjoy having working legs." I answer. "Mhm... and don't forget it." He says with a cocky attitude and a small laugh. "Right..." I jokingly say in a sarcastic tone. "Is that bet. Because I'll prove it to you right here, right now." Colby says. "No the fuck you won't! This is my car." Sam says emphasizing in his voice that he'd kill Colby. Colby's head shoots from me to the review mirror, where he can see Sam's face. "Oh sorry dude. I forget you guys were here." Colby says, with a genuine laugh. I start to laugh at his comment and how unbelievably sincere it sounded. "How could you forget we're here. I'm driving and your in my car." Sam says incredulously. "I don't know." Colby shrugs. "You know what. I'm not even gonna ask any more." Sam says. "Good idea." Kat laughs. I lightly laugh and snuggle closer into Colby, waiting to arrive at the Burger shack. It actually takes less than five minutes for us to arrive after that conversation. We all get out of the car and make our way inside. "Okay so are we gonna eat here or take it to go?" Sam asks, as we stand in the short line. "We should probably take it to go. I feel like we'll be late if we don't." Kat answers. "We'll probably be late either way, it took us way to long to get here." I laugh. "It did take kind of long, didn't it? What time is it?" Colby says. I pull out my phone to check. "It's..." I say looking down, before I can answer I notice how many notifications I have. They're all from my mom and ones from my dad. "What's wrong?" Kat asks. "Uh... I don't know yet. I need to call my mom, I'll be back." I say. Before anyone can respond I head back out. I stand against the building and call my mom. She picks up on the second ring. "Hey mom what happened?" I ask. "Oh thank god. Why didn't you answer your phone?" She asks with a strained voice. "I had it on silent for class." I answer, leaving out the part, that I didn't even go to it. "Oh okay. Well I already excused you from school. I know I said that you could go to Kat's house, but please just come home as soon as you can." She says. "Yeah... Mom what happened though? Your kind of freaking me out." I say, growing that feeling in my stomach that always makes me want to cry. "Nothing wrongs. It's just we decided to talk to you now, not push off your opinions and choices." She answers. "So it's about you and dad?" I ask, as tears unwillingly form in my eyes. I want to ask her so much before hanging up, but I know she'll avoid it until I get home. Instead I just ask one question, she has no reason not to answer. "Is dad home?" I say through the phone. "Uh... he will probably be back by the time you get here." She answers. "Okay. I'll see you there." I say. "Okay. I love you. Bye." She says. "Love you too." I say before hanging up. I slid down against the wall, setting my phone down in my lap. I feel tears start to fall, because I have the worse feeling that I know exactly what is about to happen.

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