Through Highs & lows: Chapter 19

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I wipe my tears as best as I can. Tears continue to fall, but I start my car and begin on my way home. The only noise that fills the car is the sound of me weeping. It doesn't take too long until I'm pulling into my drive way and parking my car. I get out of my car and unlock my front door before walking in my house. As soon as I step inside and close the door I just fall to the floor and sit there crying with my back against the door. At around two my breathing slows down along with my tears. Exhaustion takes over my body as I get up and walk to my bed. I don't even feel like looking for something to sleep in, so I just take off what I'm wearing and put on a pair of sweats, and tube top that's already laying on my bed. I honestly don't even know why it's there, but I don't care. I don't even bother washing off my make up, my tears already did half the job anyways. I lay down in bed and it doesn't take long for me to fall asleep. I feel completely drained, emotionally and physically. "Hey." I call out to a man I don't know. "Of course your here. If I were him I wouldn't want you either." The man says. "What do you mean. Who? Where is everyone?" I ask. "They left of course. I mean your dad." He says. "My dad?" I say looking up at him, to see Colby. "Yeah I'd rather give up than spend another day with you." He says harshly. I hear a ringing in my ear and loud knocking. I jump up out of my sleep, as a tear falls down my face. I turn and check my phone to see Colby calling me. "Hello?" I barely let out, my voice almost completely gone. "Please open your door." He says. "What? It's like three in the morning." I say to him. "I know and I look weird out here. Please open your door I'm sorry I didn't answer you earlier." He begs. His cold tone pops in my head, then the reason I called him refreshes in my mind and tears start flowing again. I hang up and go to the door and open it for him. I see him standing there with white lily followers and a bottle of vitamin water. I would laugh if my heart didn't hurt so much. Instead I fall into his arms in tears. Colby wraps his arms around me, holding me tight and I just cry into his chest. Eventually he moves us back inside my house, but I never let go of him just hold him and cry, while he stands there comforting me. Eventually I calm down enough to talk, but when I try to it comes out as if I'm a forty year old women whose been smoking all her life. "When I got the flowers I thought you might have lost your voice, so I got your that vitamin water I owed you." He says, handing it to me. I take a swallow, before returning back to his arms, where I feel safe and loved. "Thanks." I whisper, as I wrap my arms around his back once again. "Of course." He says, running his fingers through my hair. "Colby?" I ask, with my face buried into his chest. "Hm." He hums out. "Where were you?" I ask. "I'm so sorry I hung up. I was doing homework." He says. I pull away from him and take a few steps back. "Homework? After the dance? Your lying. Where were you?" I ask again. "I'm not lying." He says. "Get out." I whisper. "What?" He asks. "If your gonna keep lying to me there's no point of you being here. Can you not see I'm going through enough. Just leave then." I say as tears start to return to my eyes. "Okay, but you've gone through a lot. I can tell you in the morning." He begs. If it's bad enough for him to put it off or lie about do I really want to here it. "Just tell me." I say. "I was at Ariana's house. We were in the middle of something." He says. The tears that started forming in my eyes were now flowing over. "But I can explain. I saw you and Dylan leave and something just came over me. I don't know one thing led to another. But I didn't mean for it to come to that, it just happened. Caroline I didn't know what was going on when I hung up on you. I'm sorry. I swear I had no idea. I came as soon as I could." He rambles out.

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