Brave Faces

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Lauren's POV

After Emma finished her macaroni and cheese, we decided to unpack a week's worth of clothes for her to wear while we are still living here, and keep the rest in her suitcases for the move.

We walked to te back of the apartment towards the bedroom. Once we got done unpacking Emma's things we sat on the bed and talked. "I'm so happy you're here mija." "I am too mama. It's okay if I call you mama right?" "Of course it's okay! I was so happy when you called me that for the first time I swear I could have sang!" I said laughing.

"What? Why is it a bad thing if you sing? I though it was good! See I'll show you, all you have to do is this.." And then Emma burst out the most amazing sound I have ever heard come out of a seven year old's mouth. "Holy shit mija! That was amazing!"I exclaimed. "Thanks mama." Emma said giggling. "Now you try."

My breathing hitched. I haven't sang since the last time I saw my sister Taylor. Last year, my sixteen year old little sister was diagnosed with leukemia. She was always my inspiration for singing. We would always put on little 'performances' for our family on holidays and birthdays. She died six months later from the cancer. I haven't sang since, it was too sacred of a thing for me. It was our passion, it was what we loved to do and we loved it even more when we got to do it together. She was and is my best friend.

"No, that's okay mija. I could never beat what you just did." I said sad, with tears forming in my eyes. "Mama, why are you crying?" Emma asked me sincerely. "Mama just misses her little sister that's all." I said trying to keep myself from crying. "Well, aren't we going to see her when we move to Florida?" "No baby, we aren't." I stated sadly. "Why not?" "Because mija, I used to have a sister and her name was Taylor. She passed away awhile ago and mama misses her so much." I said with tears now falling freely from my eyes.

Emma didn't need to hear another word come out of my mouth. She got up from her spot on the small bed, sat on my lap, wrapped her little arms around my neck, and hugged me as if her life depended on it. "It's okay mama. I know she's always with you." She said sadly but still positive. "How do you know that, mija?" I questioned curious. "Because, even though I didn't actually know my real parents, I do know that they will always watch over me."

Emma let go of me, looked into my eyes and said, "Before you came to the home, Mrs. Judy told me that my parents were Christians. They both loved this guy named Jesus, I guess. She said that my parents knew something was going to happen to them eventually, because they were high profile people, whatever that means. So they wrote a letter and put it in their will just for me. But when we converted all the different rooms in the home, It got destroyed so I never had a chance to read it. Mrs. Judy did though. She told me they said they would always love me. They told me to try and be nice to the kind people who adopt me, to know that it's okay to let go and move on, and that they would watch over me from above."

"Thats beautiful mija, thank you." "Of course mama." I wiped my tears and put on a brave face for my new little girl. "Now, are you up for some ice cream?" I asked hoping to change the subject. I haven't dealt with my feelings regarding Taylor yet. I adopted Emma because Taylor always wanted to be an aunt and I, being the person I am, wanted to fulfill her wishes. "I'm always up for ice cream!" Emma said happily.

We walked out of the apartment building and started heading towards the ice cream shop a couple blocks away. We walked to the ice cream shop so when we finally got there Emma said, "I'm tired mama." "Well mija, I think maybe if we get some sugar in you, you might wanna go play at the park across the street for a while!" I said excitedly. We walked into the long line infront of the cash register waiting for our turn to order. "Yay!!!! I didn't even see it!" "Well we can eat our ice cream here and then go play. but not for too long because we still have to walk home too. What kind of ice cream do you want mija?" I asked as we approached second in line.

"Um, cookie dough please!" She said jumping up and down while pulling on my arm as we waited for our turn. "Next!" The employee yelled. "Hi. Can I get a kids cone of cookie dough ice cream and a kids cone chocolate, please." I stated reaching for a ten dollar bill in my back pocket. "Alright ma'am that will be $7.50." Did he just call me ma'am? Do I really look that old? "Ma'am?" The employee said ripping me away from my thoughts. "Huh?" I asked confused. "Here's your ice cream and your change." He stated "Oh sorry, thank you." I said taking both the cones and the money.

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