Macaroni and Cheese

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Emma's POV
"Yeah miija it is." My new mama said. After she finished talking, she just kind of stood there looking at me like I'm crazy. The key to my new home was in the lock and mama wasn't moving. "Mama?" I asked her. "What?" She said still looking at me in the weird way. "Are you going to open the door?" I questioned.

"Oh, yeah right, the door. Of course I am, I was just uhm... distracted." "By what? My eyes?" "Yes actually. I don't know why you don't like them. They're gorgeous!" Mama said, emphasizing the word grogeous.

She opened the door and the apartment was pretty big. It was a lot bigger than I was expecting. You have to remember that I'm coming from one room full of smelly, hormonal teenage girls, to an apartment that's just for me and my mama.

Lauren's POV

As soon as I opened the door, Emma walked in the apartment with awe. I had never seen her eyes light up so much, not even when she talked about her Olaf pajamas in the orphanage. Or when she was saying goodbye to her friends right before we left.

My house isn't the biggest, and it's filled with piles ontop of piles of boxes from me packing up everything for the move. I was confused as to why Emma was acting as if I lived in a freakin' mansion. That'll never happen. I could only dream of eventually having enough money to buy a decent sized house with a view.

Emma started walking around and exploring the apartment while I went to take her bags to our bedroom. Wow, it's our bedroom now. It's not just mine anymore. My life is completely changing and I can already tell I'm going to love wherever this journey takes me.

I set Emma's things on the floor near the bed. Of course I had to move some boxes out of the way first. Em came into the room and plopped on the bed scaring the shit out of me. "Mija!! You scared the shit out of me!" She started laughing and so did I. "Mrs. Judy always told Sadie and her friends that those kinds of words are bad mama." she said still giggling and smiling uncontrolably. "Well, it's a good thing that Mrs. Judy isn't here to yell at me, right?" I said messing up my daughters hair then getting up to start making some lunch, seeing as it is now almost one in the afternoon.

"Well next time I see Mrs. Judy I'll just have to tell her!" Emma said smiling and following me into the small kitchen beside the door. "Mija, you probably won't see Mrs. Judy very much after next week." "Why mama? Is it because we're moving closer to mi familia?" I chuckled at Emma's use of what I'm asuming to be the only Spanish she knows.

"Yeah that's right baby. But don't worry, we'll visit before we leave to make sure you can see everyone one last time before we go. Okay?" "Okay mama." "Okay." I said with a smile and started to make some microwavable macaroni and cheese for us.

"Hey mama?" "Yes mija?" "Can you teach me some Spanish words?" "Si mija. Su abuelo estaria muy orgulloso." I said with a smile knowing that she had absolutely no idea what in the world I had just said. "What? Let's start with some easy words, okay mama?" "Okay baby." I chuckled. "So what did you say?" " I said 'yes daughter, your grandpa would be so proud.'" "Ohhh okay."

After that, I took the mac and cheese from the microwave and brought it over to the table where an excited and hungry looking Emma was sitting. "So mija, what words do you want to learn first?" She stuffed a fork full of mac and cheese in her mouth and then said in a muffled voice, "Uhm... I don't really know. But I do know that this is the best thing ever!!!! Do they have this stuff in Florida?" She asked excitedly, finishing her food. "Yeah mija they have macaroni in Florida." I said laughing.

This little ball of sunshine, this little energized machine is mine now. She's my responisbility and I won't let anything happen to her. Emma already means the absolute world to me and I'll be damned if I let someone come in between this amazing relationship that I can already tell we're going to have.

Hey guys! Im so glad you guys like this story so far and I have big plans for it. Im sorry I didn't update last night, I was at my grandparents house and they don't have wifi so yeah. But anyways I hope you enjoyed this part and I'll try to publish a new chapter at least two or three times a week.

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