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Somewhere along the course of sitting there with silent tears ,I had calmed down. Looking at the ground at the mess and my bloody hand I wondered had this changed anything? Would today be any different? By screaming my voice away and throwing this tantrum had that in any way made it better? No. Because now I had a hand to patch up and a floor to clean. I had more of a mess than we I started. And above all this above all the chaos, I felt shame. I was ashamed I lashed out in such horrible behavior. Its like I saw my self smash everything and I wanted to but I guess I didnt want to clean it.I wanted it to vanish away like every piece of hope I had. I wanted it to magically clean it self up. But my hand was starting to sting and I could feel my check swelling .
So I got up. And I cleaned. Like I knew I would. Defeat. I couldn't leave this message. He would have literally wiped my whole body in it. Probably make me eat the glass at this piont.
So I grabbed the trash can and carefully sweeped and tossed the broken pieces of glass into the trash. I wiped the stained tile flooring from the food splatters. I swiped the beer bottle shards into the bin. I cleaned the counters regardless of my stinging hand and now thanks to my mess some more cuts on my hand. By the time i was done my tantrum and self loathing I glanced at the o'clock.
"Shit" I growled.10:15 I'm late for my final classes. This was it  i was finishing up my last week of highschool classes online. 
With heavy feet I walked upstairs picking out shards of class in my palm. I went to flick on my room light and turned on my computer. The old piece of crap needed at least 10 minutes to start up anyway so I had time to clean my wounds. As I walked into my bathroom my reflection disappointed me more than this morning. I had what looked like grease stains on my shirt . water from washing the dishes . my hair looked like a lion attacked . my arm had both old and dry blood on it from my palm and huh. Look at that. The bastard was right my face really could use some ice.  A small chuckle escaped my lips. The smallest. And then 3 seconds later another one. And another one right after until I was full blown laughing hysterically. I was laughing so hard my bruised stomach hurt but I didnt care I kept going. I guess after my outrage and frustration it all seemed so animal like and my appearance looked derannnaged. I rather got a reall good kick out of my self. I had finally settled down and found tweezers and alcohol.
I slowly washed my hand from the blood wincing when I hit a sensitive area. Onnce dry, I held it under the light and found the shards of glass. I guess I didnt know my own strength because they were pretty in there. I got a satisfying feeling as they hit the sink with a clunk.one by one. Once I was sure none were left I put alcohol on my wounda no longer wincing, I guess my hand went a little numb from all my tweezing and bandaged my hand right up. I took my left hand and  brushed out my hair.letting it hang wavy down my back and headed toward the computer.
3 hours late my head was hurting. My hand was in stinging and my face felt full. Believe me when I say I wont miss these classes. Yes I learned everything I needed from highschool but it just wasn't the same. I'd log on read, answer questions then do exams. It was more formal and unsettling I didnt like it.
Realizing I needed some ice I switched off the dome of a computer and went to the kitchen.
A cool breeze hit me as I stepped around the corner.
"Ahhhh, that feels good" I spoke to my self. I went to the freezer and grabbed some peas and slowly applied them to my face. I walked toward to the window. Any remains of my tantrum long gone. I pulled up a chair and Inhaled that beautiful smell. It was woosdy yet fresh and I just wanted that pure smell aroma aroma around me. Relief. I could feel the rain on my face.I could feel the cold wind. And if I closed my eyes I would feel free.."ahh" I let out repeatedly as I inhaled and exhaled. It felt nice.I felt OK. I didnt feel anxious or scared or worried but I felt OK. Oh this feeling how I wish it would stay. I was getting a little tired from my short lived stand of peace. I guess having a breakdown can really do that to a person. so I walked over to the living room and laid on the coach.
I flicked on the TV but Rick kept all the good channels locked so I had a small variety to choose from. Today I chose a kids cartoon. It was a lesson about manners.  Ironic seeing as Rick never had any. One of the many countless things missing in his life. But these cartoons were refrreashing. I liked watching them. So pure i thought. Kids are just so innocent. Unknowing of this cruel world. So pure. I kept the bag of peas on my face as I watched.

I woke up startled. At first I didnt releaze i had fallen asleep. Until the melted peas now soaked my shirt."shit, oh no oh no no no, please don't be late please don't be late I begged my self as I shot to the kitchen to check the time .my heart stopped.it froze this was it. I couldn't look away. I couldn't believe this was it I was a dead man. It was 5:30. Rick would be home at 6 expecting dinner. Ohhh no I was gonna get it good tonight.I felt it in my bones. They already ached in anticipation. I was already sore but I knew if he came home to  no dinner  he might just break me. So I tried.
"Its OK I can do this, I got 30 minutes late see how fast I can move."
Calm down xyria I told my self. " Dinner will be served
I busied my hands by taking out some frozen chicken. The kitchen was cold because of the window I never closed but I liked it that way.I welcomed the rain and the breeze they were calming me down little. I quickly added oil to a pan and let it heat up while I chopped some potatoes. I peeled them, washed them and added oil to another pan and awaited for that to heat . It was hard working with only hand and I was losing time. It was already 5 :45 and I could feel my anxiety taking over. I knew, I knew in my gut I couldn't do it.
"Snap the hell out of it, I got this",,"I got this" I whispered to my self.
I dug around the kitchen for the bottle opener reliving this mornings events as I placed it on the table. I grabbed a beer from the fridge as well and placed them side by side on the table.
I could hear the oil heating up so I tossed in some fries. The chicken wouldn't defrost fast enough even after I tossed it in the microwave.it was now 5:50 times was against me like everyone else. so I took a butchers knife and did my best to pull apart the chicken legs. One by one the unfrosted.I quickly whisked an egg in to a bowl and tossed the leg in there and dipped in another flour bowl and placed all 5 pieces in the pan. I have to admit it felt weird with a frozen chicken.While they cooked I strained the fries and placed them in a plate. "I'm gon"I didnt even get to finish that thought as I heard his truck pull up.
"Shit" I cursed. My breathing grew tired and slow. I knew I couldnt leave them in the hot oil in front of him. Not like last time.I prayed to god they were cooked and plated them . I placed them next to his beer. I knew I couldn't water out the oil without the smell again so I stashed both pans in the oven praying if he did find them maybe they would have cooled down. I heard the door unlock and started cleaning off my counter. My breathing rugged and hard.

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