Chpater 12: hello dear ivar

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How are we doing today?
I wanna make sure everyone's ok

Do you ever think about Time travel?
Like maybe you future self has travelled back and has seen the current you right now and their there to make sure you make certain decisions or to not make certain decisions in order for that future self to exist or something

Would you know what you look like? That future self
Would you know you if you saw you?
Would you even like your future self?


Fiadh POV

I ran down the table at halfdan not caring if I stepped in food or spilt ale, jumping on him causing him to stumble backwards a couple steps and I then felt a sharp pain in my stomach, he's stabbed me, I screamed in pain growling loudly and fell back leaning on the wall for support, I began sliding down an inch or two so looked up at everyone staring at me some ready to attack. 'Humans...always think they are the apex predator' I think to myself as I pull out the small sword out of my stomach, some saw the wound heal and then three men ran at me and I just made them practically fight each other, none dead just injured, it was quiet enjoyable. "Any other humans want to try?!" I yell looking around, covered in a little blood, " about you Ironside? We've fought you wish to fight again?" I taunt him, "as for you halfdan...still crying over Harald then I take it, if you want to die then just say so...." I say storming up to him, he goes to lift up his axe but I gripped it and then gripped his side of his head and forcefully made him bash his head into a wooden pillar which knocked him out. "Enough of this Fiadh" I hear bjorn say and I looked over to him and walk back to the table and pick up some random person cup of ale, "I'm pleased you have not killed my men and shield maidens, you could teach them and maybe even me a thing or two..." Bjorn says all relaxed and intrigued, he is nothing like Ivar at is quiet refreshing. "I think I should go, I can see I am not going to be wanted here, given the impression and mess I have just made, halfdan will be fine don't worry" I say just before beginning to walk towards the door.

Hviserk's POV

Both bjorn and I can't believe what we just witnessed, now she's just going to leave. "Fi...Fiadh wait..." I slur as I tossed a thrall from my lap to the floor and ran after her, she faced me before I got to her, glaring those blue eyes but then they went a normal blue. " girlfriend, she's been gone since last night, she would always collect things for our....well here, she's hates Ivar and I fear Ivar knows, I don't want....I hope I haven't...I can't loose her" I ramble on, Fiadh gripped my shoulders and looked me in the eye, "I'll look for her, have I met her before? I usually remember people's scents better if I've met them before" She asks, I nodded, "you should rest hvitserk, if I find her I'll bring her back to you I promise you this" she says with a smile and sent me on my way.

Fiadh POV

After that breif convo with hvitserk, I got to the entrance of what I guess is 'new Kattegat' for time being, I doubt bjorn and his army would attack again. "Fiadh...fiadh...." I hear, "hvitserk I told you I'll find thora fo...oh bjorn, are you ok?" I say while turning on the ball of my feet to find bjorn slightly towering over me, "I just wanted to say goodbye and might even say I'm curious as to how your going as you say 'fix Ivar' he's to far gone with power and apparently thinks he's a god of all things..." He says with a kind soft smile of his, bjorn is so kind yet dim witted sometimes, "I am yet to figure things out to that extent bjorn Ironside, I am also surprised....yet thankful I haven't been chased out by a mob of your men and shield maidens, though they had a go and failed, no doubt they will try again" I answer back with a slightly curl on my lips, "fi.." He began and I covered his mouth, "ssh...ssssh..." I say quietly, he furrowed his eye brows.
'You can't hide.... for...ever darling, we are ....gonna find.... you' I heard through the breeze, "damier..." I said quietly, bjorn took my hand of his mouth, "why did you do that?" He asks, "and who is da...dami..air", I gripped his arm and pulled him over to a water spout and began pulling the leaver up and down to let water pour out heavily. "It's nothing that you needn't be concerned about, i...I was in a pack I found while I was away, I denied someone who I was supposed to be paired with because I....I'm not supposed to say as its secret things you humans aren't too know" I say, "why the water? Are those uhh...pack is it? Are they after you??" He questions me, I nodded, "that's why I can't remain here long bjorn. I'll return if I find thora, hvitserk's mate..or girlfriend as you call it...thank for not killing me bjorn" I say before running off out the camp and towards Kattegat, if I heard Damier just now that means he must be close or perhaps he isn' may just be that we are partly bonded, which both of us can use to our advantage.

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