Chapter 18: life in the pack pt3

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Can't believe how many people have read this fanfic!!!
2020 is almost over....I do not want to be hearing 'it was the heat of the moment' when I wake up on Jan 1st
Alex is in Kenya rn, the photos look amazing.
I may start my YouTube channel up again.

Also I got my first GIC appointment on the 9th!! Via Zoom coz Covid

TW: physical abuse

Damier POV

My father and mother paired Fiadh with me a few weeks ago, she has been with us so long now, I've grown to like her, she is right under my thumb ever since Elric began playing with her mind and taking what I told him to take but now she has nothing good about that humans town or village whatever it is, although she has explained the Norsemen culture and how they raid those English humans, they seem fairly weak compared to the Norsemen, perhaps she'll soon hate them enough to lead us there and we will claim it as ours, those humans don't stand a chance against us.
I am taken out of my thoughts by feeling stir and wake up "morning iv...Damier, did you rest well?" she says, I pull her tightly to me forcefully to me, "you still think of THAT HUMAN?!!! Did you forget what you almost made me do to you...WHAT I HAVE DONE TO OTHER WOLVES....well they're human now *chuckles* maybe even less than human" I warn her as my grip on her got tighter, she may be wolf like me but I can feel her bones could break any second "so...s..sorry dami...forgive me, I know the humans are bad....Ivar is...jus.." She was struggling to even get a sentence out , I let got of her and she threw herself off of the bed gasping for a little air.

"Stupid tame...wolf" I say picking her up by her jaw once I had got up from bed, both our wolf eyes showing, she whimpered, "you make me do this Fiadh....your mistake.." I was interrupted by her kicking me square in the ribs, I drop her and she punches my with a left and right then head butts me, "fighting back now I see, ordinarily you'd be killed for hitting me but since we are paired and no other female is suited for me, you'll have to do.." I say getting closer to her, she growled and bared her teeth, "oh the teeth this time, big brave Fiadh from her tiny little island of nothing raised by a now dead human mo...", she yells and charges at me, she dug her claws in my shoulders and tries to bite my throat, I try pulling her off but she is very strong so I broke her ribs and began crushing her shoulder, she yells in pain and I fracture her jaw bone then stomped on her ankle but since being within our pack her healing has increased quickly than how she was when she arrived here, her other injuries has mostly healed with in a minute.

Fiadh POV

Even after all his little attacks my body was healing faster, I don't want to keep going through this, I have no way out of this, I miss Ivar and Kattegat but I'm trapped here. If I even think of leaving Elric would know, jakup is still distant from me but I've seen what he can do, I don't know if my body could take that even with my healing increasing. "Stop! Stop this madness at once the two of you this instant, you are to be mated in a week, we can't have that ruined, what would your father think damier?" I hear Elric saying walking in covered in blood, he must just been hunting. I moved from the to leave the den but I'm pulled back by my hair, "no...please stop...stop...." I begged  'i am sorry...but sleep now, I will get you out of here...he does not deserve you' I here in my head before feeling the pain I feel when...he.....Elric is in my head.


~in Kattegat~

"Let me see him!!" I yell flaring my eyes but these guards have strengthened up since I was last here, no fear shown, I couldn't hear a heart beat out of place. "Silence beast!! Your kind have done enough to our King Ivar, he is a go..." A guard spat in my face and I snorted, "if ivar is a god his throat would of healed by now better yet Jakub's power wouldn't of effected him, I need to see how badly he is wounded by it..." I say glaring at him, "be gone foul..." he began speaking up "stupid human!!.." I yell raising my hand with my claws out...

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