Chapter One

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A/NYeah, uh, don't judge, first walking dead fanfic, may get a few things wrong, forgive me if i do.

I heard the blaring shriek of a car alarm. I put my book down quickly and ran outside of the tent. Everyone was standing around looking confused.

We looked around for a moment longer before we saw a red sports car drove up to the camp, obviously the source of the noise. Glenn exited the car, elated.

Everyone started talking at once, asking where the others were, and yelling about turning off the alarm. Shane was eventually able to turn it off.

It was another minute full of chaos as everyone asked Glenn about the others before a large truck pulled up. Andrea and the others got out. Everyone greeted their family and friends who had been on the run. Speaking of family...

"Where's Uncle Merle?" I asked. Everyone paused and looked at me.

Glenn, ignoring my question, turned to Shane. "The new guy helped us get out."

"New guy?" Shane asked, confused.

"Yeah, he was a cop, like you."

A man exited the truck. I was about to ask about Merle again when a boy known as Carl Grimes pushed past me, almost causing me to fall.

"Dad!" He shrieked, running into the man's arms. Carl's mom, Lori ran, less enthusiastically, to where they where they were. The three hugged, happy to be reunited.

When they finally let go of each other, I asked again "Where's Merle, my uncle?"

"Yeah, what happened?" Someone else asked.

The man, Mr. Grimes, looked at me.

"Your uncle..." He began, looking like he was trying to find the gentlest way to say what had happened. "He was causing problems... He could have gotten us all killed, so..." He turned to look at the group as a whole. "I chained him to the roof of the building we were in."

I stared at him blankly. I had never really cared for my uncle, I really kind of hated him. I was just wondering how we were going to tell my dad without it ending bloodily- I mean badly... No... bloodily. I sat back for a few minutes while everyone discussed *cough* argued *cough* about how to tell my dad about Merle. I eventually went back to the tent to read some more. I had been on the last chapter of TheGiver when the car alarm went off. I continued reading until it got to the last line "Butperhapsitwasonlyanecho." And closed the book. Now,am Igoing to gooutandbesocial, oramIgoingtoread this book fortheeighthtime. I asked myself. I opened the book and began to read.

I was almost done with the book when I heard shuffling outside of the tent. I jumped and almost threw my book. It was Andrea.

"Come on." She said, waving her hand for me to leave the tent.

"Why?" I asked after a moment.

"You need to get our and talk to people. Be social. Do something besides read for once." I stared at her before sighing. Adults. Always wanting me to go out and "be social."

I unhappily followed her out of the tent.

"Nice to see you're joining us for once" I heard someone say.

"I'm surprised Andrea was able to get you out of your tent. " Someone else said. I turned around and began to walk back when Andrea stopped me.

"You're being social weather you like it or not." She said.

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