Coming Out

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Warning: Homophobia ahead.
Disclaimer: None of the art is mine. Full credits go to the artists. All the characters are owned by Haruichi Furudate. Author-chan out!

Sugawara's POV

"Koushi, honey, you're home. How are you? Did you have a good day?"

"Hey, Mom. Yeah, it was good." Sugawara Koushi flashed his signature bright smile at his parents, but it was only a fake smile. Inside, his stomach swam with anxiety. Today was the day. He was finally going to come out to his parents. He cleared his throat.

"Mom, I have something to tell you."

"Go ahead, sweetie, you can tell me anything."

"Or me," his father added, sitting down on the couch.

Suga felt a little better. He could do this.

"Mom, Dad... I'm gay."

His mother burst into tears. His father stared.

"H-how?" Suga's mother cried. "Where did we go wrong?"

His father's face contorted in anger. "Why- you- you little faggot!" He snarled. "You piece of gay shit!"

"Why did we deserve this?" His mother wept. "You shouldn't be this way!"

His father's lips curled into a gruesome leer. "Wife, dear, go to our room. I'll deal with this." His wife left, still crying into her hands. She didn't even look at Koushi.

His father stood up, towering over Koushi.

Sugawara had never been afraid of his father before.

His father reached down and seized Suga's shirt collar, lifting and suspending him in midair.

That's when the older Sugawara beat him.


When it was over, his father gripped his neck hard enough to bruise. He carried Koushi to the door and physically threw him out.

Of course, he landed in a mud puddle. It was raining. He lay still, a literal puddle of misery.

Then something hard hit him in his already abused stomach, knocking the wind out of him. Suga opened his eyes. It was his school backpack.

"There!" His father yelled. "And it's only because of your gracious mother that you even get that much, you gay whore!" He aimed a kick at his son, who scrambled to his feet.

"Now go! And don't let us ever see your fucking face again, you damn faggot!"

He slammed the door shut.

Somehow, Koushi got to his feet and started walking. The rain soaked him. He shivered in the cold rain. The water mingled with his tears until he couldn't tell which was which. He didn't know where he was going, he just knew he had to keep walking.

He ended up in front of Daichi Sawamura's house. He stopped. Daichi can't see me like this, he thought. He's straight. If he knows, he'll hurt me like my father did. Suga shuddered. The volleyball captain was his best friend and crush. He didn't think he could stand it if Daichi abused him too.

No... I can't go to Daichi. He turned away and started walking again. It was getting dark, and Koushi knew he needed to find somewhere to stay quickly.

Where can I go?

Suga wound up at the volleyball gym. He swallowed. "I can sleep here tonight, I guess," he said out loud. "I have a key. I can crash in the locker room or something and say I just got here really early."

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