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Warning: Suggestive content ahead.
Disclaimer: None of the art is mine. Full credits go to the artists. All the characters are owned by Haruichi Furudate. Author-chan out!

A few hours later

Somehow, Koushi found himself sitting in the changing rooms of the club, taking lessons in how to be a stripper. 

This was a test, and he knew it. If the crowd liked him, he would be allowed to work there. Part of him hoped he would fail it. He didn't want to do this.

The current stripper finished. It was Suga's turn.

The setter walked onto the stage. He looked up at the pole. He flexed his hips and smirked at the pole, ignoring the aaduience for now. He walked forward. He ran his dominant hand up the pole, splaying his sensuous fingers out wide. He straightened his legs and let his full weight land on the pole, making him swing in a circle in a circle around it.

Now Suga looked at the audience. He raised an eyebrow teasingly, as if he'd just now realized they were there. He twined one leg around the pole, so one arm and leg were suspended off the ground. He smirked again and bent his suspended leg backward, touching his small foot to his shoulder. He moved quickly, hoping to tease the crowd while disguising the fact he wasn't very flexible. The crowd gasped.

Suga twined his free leg around the pole so he was curled around it in a sitting position several feet off the ground. He let go of it with his occupied hand and leaned into a backbend on the pole, letting the crowd get a full view of his slender chest and toned body.

The silver haired male was now upside down with his feet crossed around the pole, teasing the audience by concealing his member despite the skintight costume. He touched the bottom of the pole with his hands. His back twinged, but he ignored the pain. He stayed like that for a moment, letting the crowd view his slender chest and toned body. Then he performed a sit-up, climbing up the pole until he was upright. Once he was upright again, Koushi flashed his fake signature bright smile at the crowd.

He swung down the pole, using only his hands to move in a circle in a graceful downward motion. He slid his feet onto the floor without a thud. Then the setter made a slight tremor to run gracefully up his body, causing him to lean back on the pole, showcasing his slim frame for all to see. He curled his body lengthways around the pole, spreading his legs and sensuously grinding on the pole. 

The announcer called time. His shift was over. Suga moved off the pole and sauntered toward the exit, making sure his hips swayed the entire way.

For the first time all night, he became aware of the audience.

They were cheering.

Koushi gulped, his temporary calm gone. Fear engulfed him. Did I pass the test? Can I work here? Will I… he flinched. Will I have to have sex with customers? He shuddered reflexively at the thought.

Pole dancing was one thing. Suga could handle that. He could pretend it was Daichi, or no one. But exposing himself to a total stranger, giving himself so intimately, having someone literally go inside him… Sugawara shuddered again.

Daishou walked up to him. "Baby boy!" He clapped Suga on the shoulder, almost knocking him over. "You were amazing! I didn't know you had it in you!" He smirked. "I'm glad I gave you my card," he breathed.

Koushi looked down. "D-do I… have to go all the way with customers now?"

Daishou stared. "Um, obviously! That's what strippers are for!" He studied Sugawara. "I'll give you a pass for tonight, since it's your first time. But," his face darkened, "I expect you to be prepared tomorrow night."

Koushi nodded. Dread dried his throat. At least I'm safe for one more night.

Another stripper directed Suga to a private changing room, telling him it was his own now. The silver haired male walked into it, closed the door, and collapsed. He sat up brought his knees to his chest. He rocked back and forth, crying for all he was worth.

"I want to go home," he cried. "I want my life back. I want to wake up tomorrow in my own bed, alone. I want my parents to love and accept me. I want to go to school. I want to practice with the team. I want to break up Hinata and Kageyama's stupid fights, and keep Tanaka and Noya under control, and comfort Asahi, and work on Tsukishima's attitude. I want- I want Daichi." He broke down, crying incomprehensibly. 

Suga stayed like that all night.

He floated through most of the next day. He felt disconnected from his body. He got up, was introduced to the other regular workers, ate breakfast, toured the club, slept, had lunch, practiced stretches with the other strippers, was given time to create new choreography for that night, and ate an early dinner. 

Then he was given lessons on how to please someone else in bed.

Suga hated it.

That night, he found himself standing under the stage lights again. He felt sick. The crowd cheered. Several people recognized him from last night. Raucous shouts and laughter reached his ears, suggesting what they would do to him, questioning where he learned to dance, offering to buy him.

Suga wondered how the audience would react if he puked all over the stage.

But the setter walked forward, keeping to a graceful, swaying walk. He reached the pole and the performance began.

When it was over, the announcer motioned for Koushi to come closer. He gestured at a man who had clearly enjoyed the show. "That's your first private customer of the night," the announcer said. "Use the rooms in the back. Make sure they pay first." Koushi's throat constricted, but he nodded. He walked up to the customer, who had a tongue piercing and blonde hair.

Suga smiled at him. Another fake one. He wondered wearily if he was ever going to truly smile ever again. It's just for the money, he told himself. Just for the money.

"I'm Terushima," the blonde said. He put a hand on Sugawara's nipple and pinched it playfully. "And you are?"

Now or never. "Whoever you want me to be," the setter purred. He took Terushima's hand. "Shall we?"

The blonde smirked. "Oh, we shall." They got to a private room. Terushima impatiently pulled his clothes off, but Suga hesitated. His hands shook. He didn't want this.

Terushima looked at him. "What are you doing." 

It was not a question. 

If Koushi didn't go through with this, he would be thrown out. He needed a job desperately. He didn't want to do this. But he had to.

Sugawara slowly slipped his outfit off and faced Terushima, forcing himself to look turned on. "Hey, now, I can't give it to you all at once," he purred. "You have to savor it."

Terushima raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?"

"Well, first you have to pay. Then, would you prefer to dominate, or me?" He fluttered his lashes at the blonde, trying to cover up his fear. Terushima snickered and put the money by his clothes.

Suddenly, Terushima grabbed him and slammed him into the wall. His tongue roughly explored the setter's mouth. His hands yanked off Suga's underpants. He removed his lips enough to speak.

"Oh, I'm gonna fuck you so hard you can't walk," Terushima growled. He picked Koushi up and threw him onto the bed. He jumped onto him and held him there.

The rest of that night was a living nightmare for Sugawara. 

He had four more clients after Terushima. Four more sessions of pain. Four more sessions of pretending to enjoy it. Four more sessions of fake smiles.

He almost cried with relief when Kuroo came in to tell him they were closed for the day. 

Fake Smile DaisugaWhere stories live. Discover now