Don't Hurt Me

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Disclaimer: None of the art is mine. Full credits go to the artists. All the characters are owned by Haruichi Furudate. Author-chan out!

Koushi's head swam.


The announcer called his name. Suga's shift was over. The noise brought him out of his trance. The setter carefully disentangled himself from the leash and collar, making sure to make a meal of it. He moved very deliberately, pretending it was all part of the performance. He slowly sauntered offstage, his head ringing inside and out.


"Hey!" The announcer snapped at him. "What are you doing?!" Suga looked over and realized there was a line of customers behind him, all looking at Koushi greedily, their eyes already devouring him. He gulped.

Then the silver haired male straightened his shoulders. It's all for the money, he reminded himself. Besides, it couldn't have been Daichi. He would never come to a place like this. The lights must have been playing tricks on my eyes.

The line shuddered. Someone new shoved through the line of people and burst to the front.

Black hair. Brown eyes. Strong thighs. Major erection. Tan skin.

And a Karasuno volleyball jacket.

Daichi Sawamura spoke. "Excuse me! I would like to reserve his services exclusively for the night, please," he said to the announcer, his words stumbling over each other in his haste. Koushi stared, frozen.

The announcer raised his eyebrows. "I hardly think you can pay for that. Besides, there are other customers waiting, and you are being very rude to them."

"I can pay it," Daichi said confidently. "Trust me, I can make it worth your while." The announcer held out a hand.

Without hesitating, the wing spiker slapped a handful of money into it. The announcer closed his fingers around the money possessively. He nodded. "You have until 7:00 this morning. Everyone else, I am afraid you will have to come back tomorrow night." 

Daichi rushed forward. He grabbed Suga's wrist and pulled him away. "Suga! What are you doing here?!" he gestured at his revealing costume, ignoring his body's reaction to his crush.

"Come with me," the setter whispered, dragging the captain to a private room. He slammed the door shut. He turned back around.

"Daichi- it's not- this isn't what it looks like!"

"Then what is it?! Suga! Talk to me, please," Sawamura pleaded quietly. He moved to hug him.

Koushi flinched. Actually flinched. "Please, no," he whispered. He dropped to the floor and huddled into the corner. "You'll hurt me," he whispered. Terror filled his face.

He could handle his parents abusing him. He could live with strangers raping him. But not Daichi. Anyone but him.

Daichi's jaw dropped. He couldn't believe this. Smiling, cheerful, confident Sugawara was afraid of him. 

He reacted instinctively, dropping to his knees and putting a hand on his heart. "I'll never hurt you, Suga. I promise." He blinked away tears. "Just tell me what happened."

Koushi slowly uncurled from his position in the corner. He raised his eyes to meet Sawamura's. "Please don't hurt me," he begged.

"I will never hurt you, Suga. I swear on my life."

Koushi caught his breath.

And burst into tears. He couldn't do this. He couldn't handle it any longer. Letting himself be seen, letting himself be touched, letting anyone do whatever they wanted to him, for money- he couldn't do it anymore.

"Daichi- I can't do this anymore! This job, pole dancing, having sex- I hate it! My parents threw me out, I need money, but I hate this so much-" 

"Whoa! Suga, tell me everything, but slow down, please," Daichi said, confused by the deluge of words coming from his crush's mouth.

Koushi curled into himself, shaking. "I'm gay," he whispered, voice trembling. "I told my parents. They threw me out. My father… He… He beat me," he sobbed. "I hid it the next day. I went to school, pretended everything was fine. I hurt everywhere, and I was hungry. I forgot the bruises all over me, and I took my shirt off. Noya noticed. He yelled. And I was so scared of what everyone would say, I just ran for it."


The setter shook his head, tears glistening on his angelic face. "I ran and ran. I got lost. A man asked me for sex. He gave me his calling card when I said no. I met a group of kids who played with me. They were so kind," he whispered. "Their parents said I should go into childcare. That made me realize I needed a job. I had nothing, literally. I needed money. I hadn't eaten in days. I couldn't go back home, even if I knew where that was. The team would hurt me like my parents did. So I looked for a job." He tilted his head up in an unconscious replica of his earlier movement onstage. Fresh tears streaked his face.

"But I couldn't find any. I finally used the card the man gave me. It led me here. He's the owner of this club. I got a job… Stripping."

Daichi stared. That he would sink this low… The captain swore he would help him.

"Suga." Koushi looked at him. Sawamura stood up.

"Suga, I can help you. I accept you. I'm gay too. The entire team is gay or bisexual, even if they haven't all admitted it yet. It's okay." The wing spiker extended a hand toward him.

Suga huddled back into the corner. "Please don't hurt me," he begged. "Please, Daichi!"

"Suga. I would rather die than hurt you." His voice was soft and gentle. Koushi hesitated.

I've been hurt so much, I expect it… But it's Daichi

Sugawara took his hand. The wing spiker pulled him upright.

Daichi smiled and Suga nearly passed out. His feelings hadn't faded with time. They had only grown.

"Let me help you," Sawamura said, looking deep into the setter's eyes.

Suga hesitated. Weeks of pain filled his mind.

What should I do?

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