Flock of Crows

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I was not planning on continuing this story. That was originally the ending. Then sleepyshell mention a userasked for another chapter. And I'm not gonna lie, that made me super happy. So here's that extra chapter. I hope you enjoy it!
Disclaimer: None of the art is mine. Full credits go to the artists. All the characters are owned by Haruichi Furudate. Author-chan out!

"Okay," Sugawara said. "If 5 is the cosine of angle 62 degrees, then it cannot also be tangent for angle 62 degrees. They are not the same thing, Nishinoya."

The libero rubbed his head. "If 5 isn't tangent, then what is? 3?" He tapped another number on the worksheet paper.

"Exactly! Good work, Noya!" The mother crow flashed his signature bright smile in congratulations. A real smile. They usually were real, these days.

"Thanks, Suga-san! Well, that's the last of my homework, thanks for helping me study for exams!" He got up to leave. "I'm going out with the other second years and Asahi, time for meat buns!"

"Okay! Be home by dark!" Koushi told him. He stretched and stood up. Time for me to go home too, he thought. He was living with Daichi now. He was still working on moving past his traumatizing time at the strip club, but he was getting better. He had gone back to school and the volleyball team. He was moving past his parents' reaction to coming out. He and Daichi were openly dating. Things were going well.

Suga walked outside the gym. It had taken several weeks to feel safe enough to walk the streets alone, but he could do it now. He just would not go outside after dark. Before then, he felt reasonably safe.

He arrived at Daichi's house. The wing spiker had errands to run after practice, so he wasn't home yet. It was a nice day, so Suga sat on the porch. He opened his own schoolwork. He had a lot to catch up on after being gone so long, so he was still working through all the catch up work.

Footsteps approached. Koushi looked up.

A large man was stumbling up the steps. His eyes were glazed and he smelled heavily of alcohol. His clothes were ragged and dirty, and spilled liquor was splashed across his front. 

Suga's throat constricted.

"Heyyyy," the man slurred. "You look lonely-" he reached for the setter with a large hand.

Suga knocked the chair over in his haste to get away. He ran into the house and slammed the door. He locked it. He looked through the window. The man frowned.

"Hey! What was that for?! Come here!" He yelled. He pounded on the door. The frame shuddered.

"Get down here, you little shit!" His words slurred less, and his steps became more certain. Suga froze. Memories flooded his mind.

The back door opened.

He had left the back door unlocked.

Fear coursed through him. He ran up stairs. His hands moved on their own, pulling out his phone and calling Daichi. He answered immediately. Somehow, Koushi brought the phone to his face. Downstairs, a door slammed. The man was inside.

"Hey! Where are you!" He bellowed.

"Hello?" Sawamura asked. "Suga?"

"D-d-daichi!" Koushi shrieked. "Y-y-your house- a man- D-daichi, I can't-" the man pounded on the door to Suga's room. His words cut off.

"COME OUT OF THERE!" He roared.

Suga froze. "Help," he whispered. His nerveless fingers dropped the phone. He shook all over, too scared to move. Memories of pain overpowered him.

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