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"Wake up sleepy head, time for training" August said "Training?"I questioned with my eyes closed and my sleepy voice."Come on, baby girl, we have a lot to do today" he said still slightly shaking me" but I'm tired " I said, next thing I knew I was hanging over August shoulder still sleeping" Nooo I want to sleep" I said still with my eyes close. August placed me on the couch and next thing I knew someone was sprinkling water on my face what the butt, august" I open my eyes to see all eight of my brothers standing in front of me. I wiped my face with my hand" what's going on.." I look at the clock on the wall and" it's six thirty in the morning, why am I awake" I asked obviously very annoyed if there is one thing I can do all day is sleep."Time for training Bryan yells." Training?what training?why training?" I asked" calm down Blake, after everything we heard yesterday we decided to train you, to fight" Casper said" I already told you no violence" I said" Yes, but this isn't violent it is safe and it's just training" Casper said " Fine, but one violent act and am out" I said they all smiled well except chase. "Oh and Blake, tomorrow is Monday and dad sai a he enrolled you in our school, so that's it"August said we started to walk towards the door when"Wait you guys," Casper said calling us back" what?" Bryan asked "We forgot to tell her the rules, all of them looked at each other and then at me" Blake as our beloved little sister, we your older brothers have set rules for you Casper said" rules?" I asked, I mean who sets rules for their sister" Yes rules.
Rule1. Absolutely no boys
Rule 2. No alcohol
Rule3. No body showing dress
Rule4. Always have at least one of your brothers beside you at all times
Rule5.Be home By at most 4:30.
Rule6.No detention
Rule 7. Always report to one of us if anyone touches you or bullies you.
Rule8. You must always sit with your brothers at lunch
Rule9. Any friend you make must be questioned by us
Rule10. No boyfriends.
"Are you done?" I asked with a smile "Yeah, but why are you happy?" Casper asked.
"Because for the past fourteen years i haven't broken any of those rules well aside from "they all stared at me like creepy" lunch, I told you its safer to eat in the washroom"i said"yeah, but by then you didn't have sven older brothers to protect you at school and one at work" Casper said" Yeah, I guess you are right, anyway let's go training.

After 2 hours of training

"I am so tired" I said as I grabbed a bottle of water. Where are those boys they should be back by now. I went to my room too a shower, dressed, grabbed my phone and ran downstairs. They are still not back, something is wrong. I checked all the rooms downstairs, but to no avail, they weren't there ,not even at the gym. I decided to check the parking lot, but it was only the security guards that were dressed in suite. OK I'll call them, but wait I don't even have their numbers, I'll check the backyard.As I was making my way to the back yard I heard a noise it sounded like a fight, I ran towards the backyard only to see all my brothers circled around what seems to be a fight, I could here sounds of punches being thrown"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE" I yelled all my brothers turned to face me and I saw what was happening it was chase, he was beating a man who looked like he was in his 30s, the man had blood all over his face " you shouldn't be here Blake"chase said more like growled,without even looking at me" why shouldn't I be here, huh, I also live here, ever since I came her you are the only one who hasn't smiled or talked to me, and now the first words you to me are,' you shouldn't be here', what's wrong with you?" I yelled with a very upset voice. "Leave Blake, it's none of your business" tears filled my eyes "Don't worry I will leave " I turned around and headed straight for the front gate, I could here my brothers footsteps chasing after me."LEAVE ME ALONE " I yelled as I ran out of the gate.

CONSEQUENCES OF MY MAFIA FAMILYWhere stories live. Discover now