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Published on :- 2/8/20




"You don't spare me even when I'm in my menstrual period ... ,, She said and covered her body with the blanket .

What she was feeling that time was confusing her also . Fear of his eyes were worst than his actions . His eyes held Nothin but only blankness end them

"Blood is Red and Red is my favourite colour . Enchanting scent of your period makes me insane enough to take you again and again" ... ,, He wore his clothes without even sparing a glance to her

"It's prove that YOU'RE TAKEN & ALL MINE" .... ,, He said and turned around only to found her glossy eyes , staring back at him

He stared at her and took her undergarments in his hands and moved towards the bed and sat down close to her . She squirmed under his eyes which always created waves of Emotions in her .

I'll tell someone to give some painkillers to you ... ,, He said in his kingly Authorative tone and removed the covers from her body .

She stiffened slightly but it was not new for her . His behaviour was strange but only for her , only around her

He shoved her both arms one by one in the strips of Bra and clasped it back . He put his large hands on her stomach and she winced in pain but his expression didn't wavered even a bit

I'm going to Mumbai , Tomorrow . . To meet Maa and Papa and You are coming with me ... ,, He ordered her when he was knowing very well that how much in pain she was . Her heart cracked again and Inhaled deeply and Blinked several times just to stop tears from falling out of her eyes




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ShineeSunshine 🥰😍🤩😘

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