Chapter 3) More Than Blue

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Published on :- 30/8/20



"You are just Another

BLUE memory of my life . .

Nothing is Possible


Everything is True"



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Taapur knew she was confused and hurt but about what ? This was the main question . She didn't realised that she was staring at him all this time Until He turned around at her words 

Congratulations ... ,, Taapur said softly and he looked blankly at her but she knew that he didn't Understood her

His mesmerizing back eyes made her freeze . Decorative lights reflected in his eyes and they were glowing and intrigued her

For your engagement .... ,, Taapur finished her line but her mood turned sour . She lost her appetite and now gloominess was trying to Embrace her soul

At other side , Her words hit him hardest When his gazes fell on her face . He was trying to read her face and something felt different to him

Bittersweet Agony squeezed his heart . .

Something pierced his heart . He felt his breath got Stucked in his chest .

Taapur was too tense . The way he was staring at her . His Silence was making her scare . She needed to loosen up and relax her muscles , calm her mind and clear it all stressful thoughts .

His eyes was too intense and scary

Food , Hunger and big plate was nowhere in her system to remeber under his intimidating personality

Winds were passing through their bodies making them aware that They were all alone , standing few feet away staring deeply into each other's eyes .

Abhimanyu's hands were itchy to touch her . To brush away a traitor hair which was disturbing her . He wanted to caress her chubby cheeks with his knuckles

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