Chapter 4) Frozen Purple

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Published on :- 1/9/20



"Purple Bruises Of your body

Give me a feeling of Shoo . .

Frozen eyes maybe your hobby

Accelerated beats of mine like a Boo" . .



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Mr . Rathore .... ,, Taapur's eyes were red and swollen because of tears

Abhimanyu didn't Stopped her from crying . He didn't even wipe off her tears . Just stared Emotionlessly at her . Her button nose , tiny eyes and chubby cheeks turned red because of crying and that was a fascinating sight for him . Red , His favourite colour painted his squirrel , made him to stare silently , possessively , passionately at her

After finishing her crying session .He intentionally wrapped his strong arms around her waist because He knew how much in pain she was 

And hurted her legs also when he pushed her away from him . .

He managed his strength and concealed pain easily from her

Are you scared ? .... ,, He whispered in her ears when felt her stiffening under his hold . she wanted to smack his head because of his hushing and whispering in her ears .

His hot breathing were tickling in her ears , making her nervous as hell and black Mamba was playing Hush Hush game in her ears

She looked deeply in to his expressionless cold eyes and licked her lips nervously

No . . .... ,, She shook her head and saw His personal attendees were standing , looking down on the ground

Hukum ... ,, His Guards were impatiently waiting for Abhimanyu's next order

Abhimanyu carried her in his arms like a bridal style and her eyes were wide as Soccer because of his sudden actions

What are you doing ? You are hurt  .... ,, Her voice was shaking because of Nervousness and the heat she was getting from him

Pain is frozen .... ,, words of him made her to roll eyes

Rolling her eyes didn't fitted well with him . Abhimanyu pinched her lower butt , made her to squirmed like a squirrel . . His heart vibrated a little and She was stunned to heard his soft  Chuckles again  . .

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