Chapter One: Rosmix District

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A/N: I'm writing along as ideas come to mind, really. The main character will mostly be Mason, but I thought I'd start off the story with Liz's perspective just to get a clear image on who Mason is and what he looks like. Anyway, enjoy! :)


"We're fairies?" Mason asked startled, with one eyebrow lifted.

"Not exactly," I began. Before I could continue, Mason put his finger on my lips to hush me in a dramatic, yet humorous way.

"We have pixie dust, for goodness sake. Let's all get a pair of wings while we're at it." He said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes. He could be so stubborn sometimes. Mason was my younger brother. He had turned 17 this month. My family, including ancestors, have been part of the Rosmix for decades. Rosmix was a district that consisted of magic. More like illusions; such as mind reading. The Rosmix has nothing to do with fairies like Mason mentioned. In fact, the "pixie dust" I showed him early today, was just sugar. I loved pulling pranks on Mason. He could be so gullible yet so mischievous at once. He was the looks of the family. Like every dreamy boy, he had light green, alluring eyes that had an indefinable sparkle in them every time he smiled. He had shaggy brown hair that he flipped to the side every few minutes. He was tall and muscular. He could win over any girl with just one glance. He knew how good looking he was, and he took advantage of it. Although I hated that about him, I loved him for always being with me. Even if I was a year older than him. Our bond was like no other siblings. We were basically best friends.

Mason was new to the whole Rosmix thing. He had never been interested in learning the powers our family held, but I thought it was time he learned.

"We live and act like humans, except, we aren't humans." I stated.

"Okay Liz, I get that part. We aren't humans. Then what are we?"

"Well we have a special power that separates us from regular humans."

Mason grew impatient. "Okay...which is?" I realized how impatient he was getting and this amused me.

"It's getting late," I smirked. "I'll tell you tomorrow."

Mason noticed how much I was enjoying this. He grabbed me by my waist and tackled me down on the bed in my room. He knew my biggest weakness; being ticklish. He started tickling me, making me laugh hysterically.

"Okay! Okay!" I put my hands up like I surrendered.

"Let me go, and I'll explain it all." I said as I tried catching my breath.

"That's more like it." He said as he let go me, he always got what he wanted.

I explained him everything I knew. How the Rosmix all started, the point and importance of it, our powers, the pros and cons, everything. The part that fascinated him most was our powers. The power of mind reading. The power of knowing everyone's secret behind every word with one single glance at them.

We moved to the busy streets of New York City just two weeks ago. Most of the Rosmix live on the eastern side of America, but my dad, Mason, our cat, and I moved away from the rest of the district. Like every other magical story, the Rosmix also has enemies.

Before we moved, I asked Dad why we were moving away from the rest of the Rosmix. He simply replied, "For your guy's safety." I saw the fear in his eyes, assuming our moving had something to do with our enemies, I didn't protest. Mason, however, didn't want to leave. He was the most popular Rosmix our age, of course. I blame it all on the looks.

Tomorrow was our first day of school. I was a little anxious, now that Mason knew his power, I knew for a fact that he would take advantage of it. The thought panicked me. I had already scolded Mason to never take advantage of his mind reading ability. "Dont worry sis, I'll handle it." He said reassuringly as he shut his eyes, falling asleep.

"Goodnight." I whispered as the lights in my room faded; shutting my eyes.

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