Chapter Two: Don't Ruin My Vibe

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A/N: Hey everyone! In this chapter, it's all on Mason's perspective. Sorry, there isn't much action this chapter. Still trying to introduce the setting and all, but hopefully it'll get better soon. Enjoy! :)


"So, how does it work? The mind reading?" I asked, biting out of my toast.
Like this.

"Woah. What the hell was that? Liz, did you just... speak without talking?"
That's exactly what I did.

I looked over at Liz who was peacefully drinking her coffee.

Oh boy, I'm going to have so much fun with this, I thought.
You promised no funny business, remember. Liz echoed through my mind once more.

"Quit reading my mind." I threw her a a plastic spoon aiming for her head. Bullshot.

"Ow! That hurt." She whined.

"It was plastic, get over it." I smirked.

Dad walked in the kitchen, with dark bags under his eyes. It was obvious he didn't have any sleep last night. My dad, Victor, was a forensic scientist, studying case from case, crime to crime, never taking a break. Sometimes, I thought he took his job more seriously than us. But then again, I was okay with that. I loved my dad the way he was. He was a clever fella, probably reading every one's mind, easily solving crimes. But then again, could we read a dead person's mind?

No, dead people don't think, you idiot. Liz's voice vibrated in my head.

"Stop that Liz!"

Liz giggled as she got up from her chair. God, was she annoying.

"Good morning kids. Ready for school?" Dad asked as he hugged Liz.

"Hella nervous, but ready." I said with an reassuring smile.

My dad chuckled. "That's good. You guys need a drive?"

"Thanks dad, but we'll walk. The downtown here is beautiful." Liz said before I could say accept Dad's offer.

"Aw," I groaned. "It's too crowded out there Liz."

"Good." She grinned. "More minds to read."

"You said that as if we're all vicious vampires that suck everyone's blood." I responded.

Liz glared at me hiding in her laugh, while Dad laughed.

My sister was shorter than me, but she was always the mature one. We lost our mom a couple years back due to lung cancer. Ever since, Liz made sure we didn't feel the absence of her. Liz looked like Mom too. Straight, long brown hair, with natural auburn highlights. Making the perfect match to her hazel eyes that changed colors according to her moods. There's barely a time when there was not a smile on her face. However, every once in a while, when Liz was feeling down, I would lighten up her mood by comparing her eyes to her mood ring she never took off. My sister was quite a looker herself, with a nice body and all. But, she always thought she wasn't appealing.

"Doesn't reading minds get overwhelming?" I asked curiously, exiting our new small, but suitable house.

"Well yeah, that's why you don't read every being's mind that crosses your path." Liz said, locking the door behind.

True, I thought and nodded.

"Okay, teach me. How can you interfere with someone's mind and talk to them, like the way you did to me during breakfast?"
Like this? She grinned.

"Yeah like that." She thought she was cool doing that.
Excuse me, I am cool.

I rolled my eyes.

"It's easy, just focus on the person, let your surroundings fade and you'll start hearing their thoughts instead."

Our school was only 10 minutes away with car. Liz was right, New York City was really a beautiful city. Crowded, but beautiful. People walked past us with such hurry. Car's honked at one another. Construction noises. The busy streets were what made the cities alive.

"Make sure you don't focus on more than one person." She continued.

"It'll give huge headaches." She spoke with experience. "It's like five hundred people trying to speak to you at once; terrible feeling."

I nodded. I gave it a few tries and by the time we reached school, I had become an expert on reading minds. But hell, was I tried.

Why was reading minds tiring?

It's not the minding reading that's tiring, stupid. It's the distance we just walked.

I smacked Liz playfully as we entered the campus of our enormous school.

"Woah." We exclaimed at the same time.

Our high school was five storied. The building was covered in glass completely. You could see the insides of the building through the clear and transient glass . Inside the building, there was a stair case going in a circular path, like the ones in large museums. The campus of the school was twice as large. There was a fountain that had water bursting out from the middle, in front of the school. Students were sitting around the large fountain, talking to one another. The morning sun was beaming down on the building, making the building look like a precious crystal.

I took a deep breath. This was it, our new life. I was hella ready. I grinned at Liz who was looking at me amused. I winked at her, as we entered the campus.

You're not cool, don't forget that. Liz laughed.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't ruin my vibe Liz"

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