Chapter Eight: Forgot to Mention

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A/N: Hey everyone! Long time no Liz, so this chapter is in Liz's perspective. :D I am currently really happy because my story reached 1k views. So thank you! Also, I would like to dedicate this chapter to those who keep forcing me to update a new chapter. Cough* Nisa cough* Anyways, enjoy!

~You know I love you Nisa~


"Do you think maybe someone's messing with her mind?" I suggested after hearing what had happened to Melissa for the hundredth time.

"Maybe, but who?" Mason's face was tensed. His hands gripped the car's wheel as we drove to school. It had been a week since school started, yet all Mason still thought about, was what happened on the first day of school.

His jaw flexed, not taking his eyes off the road. He was deep in thought.

He was wondering if I was the one playing with her mind.

"God no, Mason. Why would I do such a thing?" I turned to face him. "I'm not that moronic of a person to play with an innocent girl's mind."

He glanced at me nodding, he knew I was right.

"Do you think there's another Rosmix in the school?" Mason asked as we parked.

"We would have known if there was more of us in New York." I responded.

For a minute we sat in silence lost in our own thoughts, watching other students enter the school's campus.

"Not every mind reader is a Rosmix." I broke the silence, opening the car's door.

"Well whoever is was, when I get my hands on them, I will make sure I break every single one of their bones in their body." Anger flared from his eyes, getting out of the car.

"Just be careful." I warned. "We might be dealing with someone more powerful than us."

"Powerful or not, I won't let anyone harm Melissa."

Once we entered school, we separated. Mason already had a group of friends that admired him, he went over to them. I met a couple nice people here and there, but I wasn't really the social type like Mason. I decided to head straight to class. I had math first period, the farthest class from my locker, and if I wanted to make it to class on time, I had to act fast. I grabbed my math book and notebook from my locker and I quickly speed walked to my class. The hallway was crowded and really difficult to pass through all the students. My eyes were on the floor, following the feet of others. As I continued pacing, someone slammed into me, knocking my math book and notebook to the floor.

"Watch it bastard!" I yelled furiously.

"Damn feisty." He picked up my books and handed them to me.

I looked up at him, noticing his dimples that were pressed under his cheekbones adding charm to his warm smile. He had dark brown tousled hair, that suited his appearance, with dark brown eyes. Woah. Perfect.

"Your welcome." He said with a laugh.

I was distracted by his good looks. "Huh?" I shook my head, "I mean your welcome, wait no sorry, you were supposed to say your welcome, I was supposed to say-" I noticed he was watching me with amusement, I paused. "Thank you." My cheeks started burning. Dammit Liz.

He chuckled, checking his watch. "Well, see you around, I'm late for my class."

Class. School. Math class. Crap. I checked my watch and noticed I was late as well.

"Crap! I'm late too."

"Which class?"

"Math. Room 219."

"Mr. Walker?"


He checked the schedule in his hands, "I have the same class."

"Really? I don't remember you in my class last week."

"Today's my first day." He smiled.

"Well then you wouldn't want to be late on your first day. Let's go." I said.

We ran to class, arriving on time. He took the empty seat behind me.

Thirty minutes through class, I realized that I hadn't asked him his name. "This is why you suck at making friends." I thought.

A couple minutes later, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around and he handed me a sticky note that said:

"Forgot to mention, my name's Eric. :)"

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