Chapter Three: Melissa

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A/N: Hey guys! This chapter is in the perspective of someone different. I know, I know, three perspectives and only the third chapter! Leave comments if it gets too confusing or overwhelming. Anyway, enjoy!

*Rose High, the school's name in the story, is made up. Original right? :P*


"Melissa!" Bella shouted from across the campus as she ran over to me.

"Bella!" I squealed from excitement, putting my arms up to hug her.

Today was the first day of school at Rose High, and it had been three months since I saw my best friend, Bella. Bella and I were practically sisters, we would do everything together. But this summer, she went out of state to go visit her family members. Causing my summer to be a bore without her. This was my second year in Rose High. I wasn't one of those popular girls known and loved by everyone, but since I ran for President for student council last year, most students here knew me.

"I missed you so much girl!" Bella exclaimed smiling, after wrapping her arms around my slim body.

"I could say the same. Damn, did you get taller?" I asked checking her out, because, obviously, that's what best friends do, check each other out. I was always the shorter one next to Bella. She was tall and curvy; perfect to be a Victoria's Secret model. She had blond, curly hair- that she curled every morning. Yes, she was those type of girls. The tips of her blond hair had bright red dye. She changed the color every few months according to her mood. Bella had an original personality. Different from many people, which I loved about her. When we were 12, she insisted on dying the tips of my hair sky blue, saying it would match my light blue eyes, but I wasn't up for it. Dying hair wasn't really my thing.

"Haha nah, looks like you got shorter." Bella laughed.

I put my hand on my chest looking heartbroken. Which made her laugh with more hysteria. "You just might be right." I complained. I wasn't the type of girl that wanted more than what I had, like being prettier, or taller.

I asked Bella which class she had first period as we sat down on the benches, but she was too busy eyeing someone, with her mouth wide open in awe. I turned around, searching for the person Bella was deeply checking out, and there he was, passing by us. He was wearing dark jeans with a black hoodie. Although he was wearing a hoodie, it was possible to see the outline of his brawny body.

He caught me and Bella staring. "Hey." He said to me in a flirty tone with a wink.

Did he just wink at me?

He grinned, "That wink was for you beautiful." He replied, as if he read my mind.

Bella tugged on my sweater I was wearing.

"Oh my frikin God. Did that hot guy just wink at you?" She shrieked of happiness.

"I think so." I replied as calmly as I could, even though my heart felt like it was about to spring out of place. My cheeks turned red, I felt it.

"I wonder what his name is." She asked in more awe. Bella was the flirty type. She could get a guy's phone number in over a minute, which really intrigued me. Beauty; let's anyone accomplish anything, really.

This wasn't the first time a guy tried flirting with me. In fact, many guys asked me out, but I had turned down every single one. No one really interested me here at Rose High, or anywhere really. But something wasn't right. For the first time ever, I got butterflies when he, the guy I don't even know the name of, winked at me.

Like him, he's pretty hot, don't you think? A voice echoed in my head.

Get to yourself Melissa, I thought. Don't waste your time on someone like him.

No, no, Melissa, he's a guy to waste time for. Oh, and by the way, his name is Mason.

"His name's Mason." I implied without comprehending on what just came out of my mouth.

Bella looked at me with a wide smile. "Of course you would know." She giggled.

"What? No. I don't even know how I know. Let's go, we are going to be late." I felt a wave of irritation rush through my body.

The moment I got up from the bench, he saw me, grinned, even chuckled a little, like he heard everything we said.

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