Chapter 1: One Fine Day

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He should be somewhere else right now. Maybe take his horse and go deep in the forest and stay there for days not in the castle where there are many attendants following him around everywhere and anywhere. It annoys him every time he is followed. It was a one fine day and he was summoned by no other than his older brother who was just arrived from a nameless kingdom.

'What does he want now?'  the scowl on his face were more evident every second he is near to his brothers chamber. For all he knew both of them didn't talk seriously, his brother will bully him all day if he can.

He knocks the door signaling his presence. Then someone opened it and when she saw it was him she opened the door wider for him to come in.

"You called for me Tooru-nii?" standing in front of where his brother was. And sat down as he gestured him to sit opposite to him.

"Why are you so cold to me Tobio-chan? You should've said 'I've missed you so much Tooru-nii'  just like the old times and scowling like that doesn't make you cute either." as usual he teased him again.

Sighing, he doesn't have the mood to fight back his brother's childish antics.

"Tooru-nii if you don't have anything to say important then I shall have my leave. I am late for my lessons and I am happy to see you in one piece and alive." he was going to stand up but his brother's glare cut him off.

"I didn't call you for nothing my dear brother. I am here to tell you the reason why I was away for days, Tobio-chan I am here to tell you that you are betrothed by no other than the princess of Karasuno." he was dead serious and even Tooru himself was surprised when he knew the news himself.

"Stop joking around! I will marry once I want to and to a person that I love not this idiotic betrothal of some nameless kingdom!" after what he said, Tooru handed him a letter. He was surprised reading it himself, it has his father's handwriting, signature, fingerprint, and the royal seal to justify it. 'What a fucked up life I have.'

He barged out of the room without looking back even when his brother called for him. This was so unfair! His freedom will end soon as he will be married to this nameless princess. He needs to get out of the palace, somewhere far far away from it. After packing his stuff he went to get his horse and runaway.

When he realized that he was in nowhere he stopped his tracks and looked for something familiar to him and found nothing. It was almost dark and the only option is to camp outside. He went gathering some woods and some herbs and mushrooms for dinner. He was so busy preparing for his dinner that he didn't realize someone else's presence.

"If I were you, I wouldn't put that kind of mushroom in my soup you know, unless you want to end your life sooner than later."

He was startled by that someone's presence and cut his finger.

"Ouch! Who are you?! Where did you came from?! Why are you here?!" he asked.

"Hey! Why are you shouting? You should've thank me for saving your life mister scowling blueberry!" she battered out crossing her hands in her chest.

"Wha-? Ha?! Are you ordering me around midget tangerine?!" he countered.

"You're so stupid you know that? If I didn't tell you sooner you'll say bye-bye to this world. Stupid scowling blueberry!" she walks away still saying 'stupid scowling blueberry'  like a mantra.

"I hope I will never see you once again boke tangerine! But thanks nonetheless!" he shouted and earned him a hand wave from her.

It's been three days since his disappearance from the palace. And once he sat foot inside, his trusted friend General Tanaka welcomed him and like he always knew his brother asked him to come to his quarters as soon as possible. He wants to see the jeweler after his discussion with his brother and told one of the attendants to call him and see him at his private library.

Sipping his tea, he knew his brother will discuss about his betrothal. And calmed himself waiting for him to open the subject.

"Tobio-chan, princess Hinata will arrive here within two days. She is a very charming lady, I met her when I visited Karasuno.  I want you to be prepared and behave yourself. Don't do any reckless things or else."

He gulped and one look from his brother's eyes he knew he can't mess this up if he wants to live. Those menacing cold eyes will kill someone in one glance. He nodded.

"Promise me this Tobio."

"Yes, I promise Tooru-nii. The only thing that I can't promise you is if I want to marry this princess. I just want to know her more before I do."

"Very well Tobio. You can take your leave now. I will see you on dinner and take a bath will you? You really stink To-bi-o-chaaaaaaaaaaaaan~!" hugging him tightly, his childish personality came back like a snap of a finger.

He grunted and walked away from him while he can. He loves his brother more than anything but he won't tell him that, never!

Looking at himself at the mirror one last time he sighed. Thinking this will be that partial end of his freedom. He will do anything so their engagement will not be happening soon.

The door in the throne room opened wide revealing the guest. The one who walks a little faster was a young lady wearing a flowy dark blue dress it was a simple dress but the way she handled herself gracefully was something admirable. The contrast between her dress and her hair is ethereal. She bowed and made her hair fall down elegantly and introduced herself as Princess Hinata of Karasuno.

Her bright orange curls seems to be familiar to him but didn't mind it. Once they met each other's gazes their mouths were wide open like a gaping fish out of the water.

"You?!" they pointed one another simultaneously.

"Oi is this a joke boke tangerine?"

"Same goes to you stupid scowling blueberry!"

Both of them went silent when Tooru laughed out loud holding to his stomach.

"I never thought one day there will be someone out there who can spar with my brother's temperament. And thank the gods that I am not alone thinking my brother has this scowling face all day everyday."

'Well, I already knew that this princess is the most suited one for Tobio. I just can feel it, when I saw her for the first time I knew why our parents want her to be Tobio's wife.'  Tooru thought for himself, smiling at the two.

The two of them were all red from the embarrassment.

"So, how was your journey here princess? I know it was a long journey so if you want to rest for awhile I will let Tobio escort you to your chambers." Tooru cut the silence and gestured to his brother.

"It was fine your highness. Thank you for asking. I don't want to be rude but I will take your offer and go to my chamber to rest for the day." Hinata bowed in respect.

"Very well princess. I will call you for dinner. And welcome to Aoba Josai princess HInata." and with that he dismissed them and walked to his office to work.

Once they were alone, the two walked in awkward silence.

"Hey scowling blueberry I thought you said you don't want to see me again?" she smiled and Tobio felt something foreign but didn't mind it.

"How I wish and what does the princess of Karasuno doing in the forest all by herself and outside of her kingdom huh?"

She was silent for a while but said it was nothing important and went on. Leaving her to rest in her chamber, he went to his library to kill some time.

During dinner, Tobio was sneaking glances to Hinata who was enjoying herself eating the foods that was served to her and talking so casually to Tooru.

'Why am I annoyed all of a sudden? They were just talking right? What the hell Tobio, compose yourself damn it.'

He grabbed his glass of wine and drank its contents. Feeling the heat in his throat he was cursing in his mind 'how could someone enjoys this drink again?'  Noting that he will drink his favorite milk after this formal dinner.

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