Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Van's POV

I returned to my room after Axel and Oliver left for dinner. When I was sure that they were near-finished eating, I quietly linked Axel's younger sister, Hannah.

Hannah was a smart and clever girl, even being as young as she was. She wasn't an entitled brat like some of the others in the pack. If I wanted a fresh, useful opinion on something, I'd ask her.

Hannah, what do you think of Oliver? I asked casually.

Oliver's amazing, she half gushed. Seriously, I wish he was my mate. Annabella likes him. He even likes anime too!

Annabella likes him? I asked, surprised. Annabella was shy. She was quiet and withdrawn, except to her family. She was barely warming up to me.

Yeah, she's sitting in his lap, she licked his cheek! It was adorable, and Oliver laughed. I can see why Jamiette has a crush on him. She paused. ...I wasn't supposed to tell you that.

I huffed a laugh. Of course the younger girls would have crushes on him. To them, he was the perfect sweet, kind prince. Or to us wolves, the perfect mate.

Don't worry, I won't tell. I was just wondering what you thought of him, I haven't got a chance to speak to him much yet. It wasn't a lie. I hadn't got to speak to him much, other than that one conversation.

Hmm, Hannah thought. Well , he's really likeable, Hannah started, getting more pensive as she continued. I think he's definitely a people-person. Even though he didn't smell very strong, he was really friendly to everyone. 

I hummed, encouraging her to continue. Axel had mentioned that too. Oliver's scent didn't waver much, regardless of circumstance. It was interesting that Hannah thought that made him friendly, whereas I found that suspicious.

He's good with grown-ups, he calls Mom Mrs. Reaper instead of 'mamma Cindy' or whatever weird shit she said, and calls Dad 'Sir' or 'Mr. Reaper'. It's like he knows Dad's position in the house, or something.

I frowned slightly. Oliver did try to question the pack house in the car, but I wonder what he thought of us. If he already caught on to how Uncle Reaper was the leader of this place, I'd have to make sure he didn't think we were a cult or something, he'd just get scared off. What else? I asked.

Uh, he wants to go to Uni somewhere far away, he's smart I guess. Seems smart to me. He's got a nice voice and he's pretty funny. Mom thinks he's adorable. I kinda feel like he's... Hannah trailed off for a moment. No, it's probably just because we're with Mom and Dad.

What?  I urged.

Well, I kinda get the feeling he's being maybe a teensy bit fake or something-- but that's actually probably normal, considering he's dining in this fancy-ass place with adults he doesn't know, y'know? It's only natural for him to feel a bit uncomfortable in this setting. I'm sure he'd be fine elsewhere, he's pretty chill, after all. Seems like a good guy. Hannah paused. I hope he relaxes here soon. He's gonna be Axel's mate, right? I can't wait to see him around.

Hearing Hannah's streamf consciousness was fascinating. Just as I thought, Oliver's fake personality worked for him because what inconsistencies or mistakes he did make were so slight that people created their own explanations to justify them, because they had an overall good impression of him. 

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