Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Axel's POV

By the time I came back upstairs with a platter of snacks, Oliver had passed out on my bed.

He was curled up and clutched a pillow, tucked into the covers. I couldn't help but feel the corners of my lips raise when I realized he tucked himself into my bed. That was good. We liked that. Alex was very pleased, assured that our mate felt comfortable enough to use our bed as his own.

I could smell myself on him, faintly, and his scent was permeating onto my bed. I'd never wash my sheets again.

I linked Van to celebrate the news. But, this did put a damper in our plan—I was supposed to convince him to go to the Winter Formal with me while he was sleepy.

Van arrived upstairs a moment later with a helpless look on his face, because following him like a row of ducklings following their mother, the other wolves followed.

"I want to see!" Ella whisper-cheered. She and Minerva squealed when they saw Oliver, asleep in my bed. "Aww, how precious!"

"He's so cute! I want to hug him and squeeze him and keep him as a teddy bear!" James said. Luckily, my wolf didn't take him as a threat because he was just weird like that. If, say, Luca said that, I would have ripped his throat out. With my teeth.

"Seriously," Zoe agreed. "Oliver is almost as cute as my Mia. Almost, Mia is still cuter."

"Axel, you better treat him right," Ella and Minerva turned to me, a harsh glare in their eyes. I felt a chill down my spine as the girls and James shot me looks.

I scowled at them, not liking being threatened.

"Calm down, Axel," Van rolled his eyes. ''It's wolf instinct to protect their own. Even from the Alpha."

Oh, right. Well, if they were protecting Oliver, that was okay.

"I thought Oliver was going to leave?" James asked, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Did you get him to say yes to being your date, yet?"

"No, he fell asleep before I could—"

Cutting me off, a phone rang. The ring tone was strange, it was none of ours. My wolf ears immediately located the source, and I looked at Oliver's bag.

"You should get that," Roman advised after a moment of everybody just looking at the bag. I rolled my eyes. The guy with the slow reactions was telling us to react.

"Van?" I asked, and he nodded. Van was an adult charmer, he tended to know how to speak to them best.

Van picked up the call. He opened his mouth, but before he could pick up, a really loud voice rang out.

"Where the hell are you?" A loud female voice demanded, making our sensitive wolf ears flinch as we startled.

"Shit," Van whispered. He turned to us. "It's so loud. Should I turn off speaker phone?"

"I can hear you," the female voice deadpanned. "And figure it out, bozo. Using a phone isn't that hard." Van recoiled a little, surprised.

"Oh, uh, my apologies," he quickly tried to smooth things over. "May I ask who this is?"

"May I ask who the hell you are?" the voice retorted. "You're on Oliver's phone, jackass."

Van's mouth remained parted for a second, unused to the unabashed rudeness. I had a sinking feeling in my chest. Please tell me this wasn't Oliver's mom, I thought.

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