August 1, 2020

4 0 0

This time hurt more
A sudden disconnect
The violent rip from my chest
Blood like lava
The sickly slow slide
Down my stomach
Pooling at my feet
Sticky on my knees as I collapse
I can't do this on my own
But I'm alone

I've been left before
People tend to run from me
I'm scary
Erratic movements
My personality is to much
But it's inflexible
As permanent as the sea
It may flow in situations
But it remains the same

But this time hurt more
I needed her
I needed both of them
I told them
Then I died to them
I saw it coming
I ignored it
Rose colored glasses fogging my vision

I'm numb now
Don't feel much
Don't have many
So alone
Maybe someday I'll find someone
A person that cares
Who knows how to show they care
Because I don't know if they didn't care
Or if they were to emotionally stunted to show it
They saw it as a weakness in me
Another eccentricity

And this time hurt more
So I pretend my numbness is strength
I throw myself into any work I can
Sometimes I sleep
I forget to eat a lot
It gets me in trouble
But taking care of myself is so hard
It's easier to take of others
So I do that instead

I don't know if I want her back
This might have been too much
Too big
A gaping chasm
Sticky red fingers around the needle
But the stiches won't hold
Part of me does
The part of me that thinks there's something wrong
The part that sees the sadness in her eyes
Because I'm weak for her

This time hurt more, though
So I don't know what I want anymore

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2020 ⏰

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