Author's Note

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Hey readers! This is my first story that I'm publishing on Wattpad. I've wanted to publish my work here for a while now, but have been really nervous about it. I've been super motivated recently though, so I finally finished this story. I worked really hard on this and if you happened to stumble upon this story and decided to give it a chance, I'm sending you a big virtual hug.

Since this is my first story (and I'm not really an author or anything), this might not be the best quality - though I think it's still pretty great. I have edited this story multiple times before posting it but despite that, I may have missed some errors. Feel free to point them out and provide constructive criticism, as I may edit this again in the future.

As always, remember to vote, comment, and share. I'd love to know what you all think of this story and would appreciate it if you'd tell your friends about it if you like it. 

This story is dedicated to saffronvalley who made the gorgeous cover and also helped me in the editing process.

Last but not least, do not copy/steal my story! Plagiarism is not cool. It's also illegal :)


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