one direction

171 9 13

eight | one direction

warning: s*mon cowbell is in this chapter and future chapters as well. 😂

A preface before this chapter, the school year is coming to a close, Harry and Louis spend all their spare time together because Louis is graduating, which leaves Harry and Niall alone when school starts up in the fall. Louis is planning on going to university but H&L both decide to ignore it for now. Niall comes up with a crazy idea and the boys go along with it.

June 2010:

Harry, Louis, and Niall all went out for lunch. They hadn't seen Niall much, Harry and Louis have been spending all their time together, they saw Niall at football practice but that was over by now.

Niall had told Harry about his dream in the music industry when they first met and they all instantly bonded over that. Harry and Niall have become best friends, they call each other every day because they can't hang out all the time.


"We should try out for the X-factor!" Niall said, being 100% serious.

"Very funny Ni," Harry said, laughing.

"Yeah, no," Louis said.

"Why not? Harry has performed in front of thousands of people before. What's the difference?" Niall asked.

"The difference is if we humiliate ourselves, it's on camera for the world to see!" Harry replied.

"But we won't, I promise," Niall said

"Plleeassse" Niall begged.

"You know what? Why not? It could be fun!" Harry said.

"No" Lou said.

"Come on, Lou," Niall said.

"No" Lou repeated.

"Loubear please!" Harry said trying to convince Lou.

"Haz, what if I humiliate myself?" Lou asked with real concern.

"You won't! I'll be there the whole time! Niall will be there! We'll all be auditioning! Come on Lou, it could be our shot at living out our dreams and if we don't win then we can at least say we tried! Do it for me!" Harry said convincingly.

"Fine" Louis sighed, still reluctant.

"Then, we are auditioning for the X-factor!" Harry shouted.


One month later...X-factor auditions

It was the beginning of summer.

The boys had been rehearsing together nonstop, they were probably more prepared than all of the contestants combined...that didn't stop the nerves though.

Harry was super nervous, his audition was first, then Louis', then Niall's.


It was Harry's turn, he walked out on stage, all the lights shining in his face, cameras everywhere, five judges staring at him, waiting for him to sing.

Harry felt his heart drop as he stood on the stage, staring at five talented judges and lights blaring in his eyes, he was scared to death.

He started singing Stevie Wonder's "Isn't She Lovely"


Louis' pov:

Louis stood on the side of the stage watching Harry's performance.

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