a different story

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thirty-one | a different story

I knew a boy and a boy, best friends with each other, but always wished they were more.

part of this chapter will be in Zayn's pov, I have only had chapters in Lou or Harry's pov so it's definitely different, it does start in Harry's pov though!

December 19, 2019:

"Lou, baby, I'm going to take Clifford to the bakery!" Harry called from the front room putting on his shoes and grabbing Cliff's lead.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Lou asked walking into the front room.

"Normally I would say yes, but I want to bond with Clifford!"

"Don't worry I'll be back soon!" Harry assured.

"Okay, love, I'll see you when you get back, I have some errands to run anyways,"

"Love you, baby, see you when I get back!" Harry pecked Louis' lips.

"Love you too, baby!"

"C'mon Cliff!" Harry announced while heading out the door.


"Hey, Z!" Harry called out when Zayn walked in the door.

"Hey, Haz!" Zayn replied.

Clifford jumped up on Zayn and started kissing his face, which caused Zayn to immediately giggle.

"Let's sit down and talk,"

Zayn sighed but nodded.


"C'mon Cliff!" Harry pulled Clifford away from licking Zayn's face.

Both of the boys sat down and Harry handed Clifford his dog treat.

Harry sighed.

"Zayn, what is going on?" there was a concerned tone in his voice.

Zayn took a deep breath.

"Haz, you are the first person I'm telling this to,"

"Okay..." Harry replied.

"So who is it? What's going on with you and Gigi?" Harry asked.

"I love Gigi, I really do, Harry. She is the kindest person and loves her family, she's everything I want in a girlfriend,"

"But she isn't who you want to be with," Harry sighed.

"No," Zayn admitted.

"At least I don't know, I still love her,"

"Then who is it?" Harry asked but he knew, he's known for years.

"If I tell you, you will think I am crazy and probably laugh at me,"

"No, I won't. Why would I laugh at your feelings Z? Just tell me!" Harry assured

"It's Niall," Zayn blurted out with a single tear running down his face.

Zayn wiped his tear quickly so that more wouldn't follow and quite frankly because he knew he couldn't be with Niall.

"But I can't be with him, I'm with Gigi. Besides, he doesn't have the same feelings for me," Zayn sighed again.

"Have you asked him if he has feelings for you, did he tell you that he didn't?"

"Well no-"

"Then go get him! Stop assuming Z!" Harry shouted.

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