I'm a hungry hungry caterpillar

21 3 9

I got tagged by CAt_CUrrY once again! Thank you for tagging me.
Okay here are the rules

1) You have to post the rules.

2) You must say 13 things about yourself
1. I'm hungry.
2. My sister watched the last episode of Umbrella Academy.
3. My dad took my sister to go and get ice cream. I didn't go because I have a little cold (it isn't Corona) but he can't get that inside his head. I asked him to bring me ice cream, he most likely won't even do it.
4. I'm pretty sure I have Maladaptive daydreaming.
5. I feel like an outsider.
6. My mom might make pizza. :)))
7. My best friend is a girl I met on a cruise at a spa event for girl 11-14. That was in February 2019, she's one year younger than me. I'm 14 now and she's 13.
8. Panda (My cat) still doesn't get that the reason we spray her is to train her not to go on the dressers.
9. I'm always tired.
10. I have iron deficiency
11. I'm recovering from swimmer's ear, and my parents are just forgotten to help me to put in eardrops so I've been doing it myself.
12. My mom is making pizza!
13. My first semester as a highschooler is online but at least it's not my last semester of senior year.
3) If you don't do it in a week the person who tagged you has to think of a punishment.
I'm not gonna punishment anybody, take your time.
4) It has to be a chapter not a comment.

5) You have to tag 15 people.

6) The chapter title has to be creative.
I think mine is pretty creative.
I'm sorry to all the people I tag.

1. xxxSunflowerSkiesxxx

2. WhyArentISleeping

3. -mooncheese

4. Chloe_jane3814

5. -notacreativename-

6. Sloths_Forever

7. _SpaceCake_

8. -lydiadeetz

9. -_A_Broken_Boy_-


11. Nycnewsgirl

12. angela333potter

13. DatDamFangrl

14. Dez_di_Angelo

15. crutchie_is_my_bae

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