Tagged again by CAt_CUrrY

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Hello, I was tagged once again by CAt_CUrrY so let's get started!

1. Single because fictional characters aren't real. Tho I would probably be single then too.
2. March 29th,
3. Kate, my best friend that I met at a cruise who my sister and I kidnapped for two hours and we did shenanigans with. My sister also gave us a heart attack because she pressed all the buttons on the elevator and there were security cameras in the elevator.
4. CAt_CUrrY doing the tag while high off sugar or me laughing because autocorrect changed bit random to big random.
5. If We Have Each Other, it was a amv for a anime.
6. Haikyuu Kiyoko Shimizu CUTEST and BEST MOMENTS / Karasuno Manager
7. I finished Trials of Apollo, The Tyrant's Tomb last night.
8. Pandas, cats or dogs.
9. Nope
10. I have a older brother and a twin sister. I also have two dog brothers and a dog sister.

If you see this and you want to do it then just say that I tagged you.
















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