Chapter Seven

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"But I thought I wasn't supposed to leave until the start of next year and pose as a transfer student." Shikamaru starred at Tsunade with a confused expression on his face. Naruto had been gone for about two months now, and Shikamaru wasn't afraid to admit that he missed his best friend. Doing ANBU missions just wasn't the same without him, and some of the other members got on his nerves occasionally (more like all the time, he has come very close to bashing his head into the nearest surface more than once). And while Shikamaru loved the rest of his friends in the Rookie 9, it just wasn't the same without Naruto.

"Yes, that was the original plan." Tsunade said. "But, after talking with Jiraiya, Naruto, and some close contact over there, changes have been made due to unforeseen situations. Jiraiya will come to collect you in two weeks' time, and you will infiltrate a hero agency. Come look at these reports Shikamaru, I have a lot to catch you up on."


"Will you tell us about what the Symbol of Peace is like as a teacher?" A female reporter asked Naruto, shoving a microphone in his face. Naruto knew that reporters in this world were very nosy in order to get information back out to the public, so he wasn't surprised that they would bombard students outside of a school campus. Actually, Naruto was certain that the only reason the reporters weren't on the campus is because that they didn't have IDs to get passed the front gates of the school.

Completely ignoring the reporter, Naruto looked around and saw the Izuku and Ochako looked completely flustered from the questions being asked, while Iida had a determined look on his face and was answering the reporters' questions in the most professional manner.

"Hey! I asked you a question!" Said the reporter, looking a little annoyed. "I'm so sorry, but my classmates and I really need to get to class. Unless we want to be late, we won't have time to answer your questions today. Please, excuse me." Naruto said flatly with a blank look on his face, before grabbing Izuku, Ochako, and Iida. He apologized to the reports asking them questions and led the three inside the building to head to class.

"Thank you, Naruto!" Said Ochako once they got inside the building. "I was so confused I had no idea what to say!"

"Yeah, thanks Naruto, that was so embarrassing." Added Izuku, still looking a little flustered as the four started walking to class. "It was no problem, although, I am kind of annoyed by the situation. I get that it's their job to get information and report back to the public, but that just seemed a little excessive. Isn't there an ethical line somewhere that they shouldn't cross? Harassing students on their way to class is a little invasive if you ask me." Naruto said, glaring at the ground a little bit.

"That may be true," Said Iida, starting up with his hand motions. "But the public always has questions about this stuff. Sometimes you can be great at what you do, but not the greatest at teaching it. The public wants to feel like the know All Might, all the different sides go him. I come from a long line of heroes, so I knew how to deal with the public from a young age. Their curiosity is what fuels them. As long as there is a question the press will find an answer to it. What you need to do is stay calm and answer the question as quickly as possible, or politely deny answering the question all together."

"Wow, thanks Iida, we'll keep that in mind next time." Said Ochako, as the four entered the classroom. They didn't have a chance to talk further though, as Aizawa stepped in as soon as they sat down.

"Quiet down everyone." He said, walking towards the podium in the room and bringing the classes attention to him. This time, he was not in his sleeping bag. "Good work on yesterday's combat training. I saw the video and results. Bakugou, you're talented, so don't act like a kid. And Midoriya, you settled it by breaking your arm again huh? You can't keep saying you help it because you can't control your quirk. I don't like saying the same thing over and over. As long as you fix and control the issue there's a lot, you'll be able to do. Feel a sense of urgency, Midoriya. Now, let's get down to homeroom business. Sorry about the late notice, but today, I'll have you...decide on a class representative."

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