Chapter Fifteen

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Naruto's match against Neji in the chunin exams is something that he often thought about. While, at the time, he was a master with his mask he was able to beat Neji without showing off any new techniques, and rather his unusual tactics that he was known for. But there was a moment in time during that battle in which his mask almost slipped because he wanted nothing more than to beat Neji into next month.

Treating Hinata, someone he not only cared about but who was also innocent throughout their family affairs made his blood boil and Naruto never understood why Neji took it out on her instead of the clan heads.

Logically, Naruto knew that he should not fight Neji at full strength, the first and main reason being that it would blow his cover. But emotionally, he still couldn't shake the feeling that he should have done more to beat him, even if they were on better terms now and he had worked through his problems.


"Thanks for waiting everybody! The first match of the second round is a big match!" Naruto heard Present Mic announce. He wasn't sure how much more of that man and the crowd he could take before his ears would start bleeding.

"The man who won a huge victory in the first round and literally left the audience frozen-from the hero course, it's Todoroki Shoto! On the other hand, this guy barely made it past the first round! What kind of fight will he show us this time? From the hero course, it's Midoriya Izuku!"

Naruto sat forward in his seat, excited for the match to start. This fight would have a major impact on the two boys.

"Eh? Naruto? How long have you been here?" Iida asked. Naruto took his eyes off of the two boys for a second to glance at the class rep who was turned around in his seat and starring at him.

"Since my match ended." He told his classmate.

"Why have you been sitting back there the whole time? Come sit up here and join the class in our observations!"

Naruto considered his options for a second before reluctantly making his way forward and sitting next to the class rep.

"Start!" Present Mic yelled as soon as Naruto sat down. 'The fight has officially begun.' Naruto thought to himself as his eyes locked on the battle stage below him.

Todoroki wasted no time immediately sending an ice attack Izuku's way, which he countered by sacrificing a finger to shatter the whole things and send high winds over the crowd. Todoroki than made some ice behind him in order to prevent himself from getting blown out of grounds.

"Wow! Midoriya stopped Todoroki's attack!" Present Mic told everyone as the crowd started screaming.

Todoroki sent more ice Izuku's way which he stopped by breaking another finger. And the same thing happened again.

"Do you think Bakugou is right Uzumaki?" Kirishima asked Naruto, pulling him away from the match.

"Right about what?" Naruto asked the red-haired male.

"About this match being mainly about endurance."

"That is a possibility, but it would still be unclear who would win. Todoroki refuses to use his fire for more than melting his ice attacks, so he will stick to those. But we have only ever seen him use one or two ice attacks before he has already beaten an opponent. So it is hard to know just how much he can use before he runs out. Izuku can stop his ice attacks, but only for so long. He already has two injured fingers before the battle and has already injured three more, so he will only be able to stop the attack five more times before he runs out of fingers. If this fight is something that will come down to endurance, it is unclear who will win." Naruto told his classmates, before ignoring any further conversation and focusing on the fight happening below him.

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