Five: The Decision

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"You're safe now, I'm here, no one can hurt you."

Chaeyeon continued crying in her arms as Sakura keeps on comforting the girl, whispering soft words while she pats the younger girl's back. 

Her mind suddenly wander as the feelings of this moment is so familiar for her, Sakura almost thinks that it happened before, but she knows this is the first time that she's close with someone.

She's back in reality when she isn't hearing any sobs from the girl, she slowly looked at Chaeyeon and that moment their eyes met together. 

She catch her breath can someone be pretty in this kind of situation? 

But she quickly shook her head for thinking like that, she pulled away from Chaeyeon and feel a sudden disappointment because of losing the warmth that she feels before. 

The girl is looking at her intently that made her raised her brows. 

Sakura cleared her throat as she managed to bring back her usual expression. 

"You're so stubborn. I told you before that you're in danger, yet you don't wanna believe us. That's what you get for not listening."

Sakura said coldly, it made her flinched at little when she looked at the Chaeyeon's eyes and it shows pain from her words. 

She knows that it isn't right to say something to someone who almost experience to met her death. 

Chaeyeon wiped her tears as she tried to stands up but failed, it's a nice timing because Sakura caught her quickly. 

Her arms are around Chaeyeon's waist as their faces is so near with each other, securing the girl tightly in her arms.

Chaeyeon quickly pulled away and cleared her throat, avoiding Sakura's eyes that is focused on her. 

She knows that her face is red because of crying but Sakura isn't helping her, instead adding to it. 


Sakura called her but she only looked at the girl.

"It's Chaeyeon not Jjaeyeon." 

She corrected but Sakura rolled her eyes at her.

"Whatever, it's the same. I'll just call you dimwit."

Sakura scoffed as she crossed her arms while looking intently at the younger girl. 

Chaeyeon feels uneasy again, Sakura is looking at her, the look that will make you nervous because you can tell that she's looking inside your soul, deeply.

"Stop looking at me."

Chaeyeon said nervously but she managed to say it in annoyed tone. She doesn't know why she's getting nervous whenever Sakura is looking at her like that. 

"Then...give me your picture, I can stare at it anytime."

Sakura said and it made Chaeyeon's eyes widened and her face is redder than before.

She blinks her eyes while looking at the girl who has a sudden blank expression on her face. 

"Tch, as if I want it. Don't get fluttered, I don't mean it."

Sakura scoffed and giving her an annoyed expression. 

This girl only knows how to be a tsundere.

"As if I will do it. NEVER IN MY WHOLE LIFE."

Chaeyeon emphasizing those words while glaring at the short haired girl..

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