Six: Dimwit and Stupid

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Sakura stirred in her sleep when she heard loud noises coming from the house. 

She scratched her brow as she gets up slowly, she can still feel the pain on her stomach that is caused by yesterday's fight. It wasn't that deep but she knows that the guy really stabbed her in a way that she can't recover easily. 

She groans as she pulls herself to get up from the bed, she can hear Yena's voice from the first floor to her room. That duck has really a loud voice.

She slowly made her way to them and she almost gasp at what she was seeing, she groaned as she puckered her lips. 


She shouted her name when she saw her floating around while making her way towards Yujin who is running quickly around the tables inside the restaurant. 

"Oh good morning master!"

Yena suddenly stopped in the mid air just to greet her but continue afterwards.

She looked at Hyewon but the girl is busy munching her breakfast, while Chaewon is just watching them with a not so disappointed look, like she is used seeing the two of them like that. 

She facepalms while looking at the two.

"Yena, stop on what you are doing! Chaeyeon might see you." Sakura said scolding the girl and it made Yena stopped.

"Oh sorry."

Yena said scratching the back of her head. She wasn't aware with that idea if Sakura didn't remind her. 

"Don't use your powers whenever she's here. Chaeyeon might see it and she must not. She shouldn't see it at all cost, understand?."

Sakura said, her voice is full of firmness and coldness, and all of them nodded her head, Yena just salutes as if she didn't do anything wrong. 

"What I shouldn't see?"

Sakura's eyes widened as Yena gets frozen on her spot the same with Yujin beside her. Chaewon is just having a blank stare, meanwhile Hyewon just looked at them for a second but continues with her business again.

Sakura slowly turns around when she gather all the air around her to breathe deeply before composing herself, but she blinks her eyes when she see Chaeyeon's morning self.

Suddenly, her throat gets dry like there's a huge thing that is trapped inside it. She can't talk as if a force is stopping her, the only thing that she is doing right now is staring at the girl who's having a frown on her face.

Her hair in a messy bun while wearing a black long sleeve and a shorts. 

Their eyes met and Sakura felt a sudden jolt in her chest. Her eyes never leaving Chaeyeon's face, that made the girl raised her brow at her. 

She tried to open her mouth but failed to talk that makes her look stupid.

'Why am I speechless?!'

Meanwhile, the four girls can sense the staring contest between the two. As much as they wanted to interrupt, they can't find a way.

They are enjoying seeing their master gets speechless. This is the first time seeing her looks like a kid seeing a new thing. 

Chaeyeon frowned, waiting for Sakura to talk but she scoffed when the girl continue staring at her.

'What's wrong with her?'

"Take a picture, it will last longer." Chaeyeon smirked, when she heard the words that came from the younger girl's mouth, it made Sakura gets back to herself. 

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