Fourteen: Divulgence

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(Flashbacks in italics)

“Are you really sure?” Eunbi asked once again, she sighed as soon as Chaeyeon nodded her head, face full of determination and eagerness. Even Minjoo who is sitting beside her best friend, ready to listen.
She looked at Hyewon and the younger smiled at her while nodding her head, a signal for her to do it.

“Okay…just what I say, let’s start with the fallen angels.” Eunbi said, “You’ve already known the three. But let me repeat it again with also what they can do.” Eunbi added, Hyewon bits her lips when she saw how Chaeyeon puffed an air after hearing Eunbi’s words.

“Let me start with myself. I am the angel of Pride, a fallen angel who can do teleportation, also precognition and can see the past except mine.” Eunbi said, sighing but she didn’t let them notice the disappointment on her face because of her disadvantage on her ability. 

“Next angel, Minjoo, the angel of Lust. Who can heal someone physically, who can also manipulate others by her words if she chooses to manipulate them, and lastly, she can manipulate weather just by the flick of her hand and that’s the most dangerous thing that she can do, especially if she lose her control. She has the dangerous power among us, the fallen angel.” Eunbi stated while looking at Minjoo, who is now looking at her hands, trying to reflect her powers.

“Then Hyewon, the angel of Gluttony…” Eunbi said, she looked at the said angel and the younger is already staring at her with those soft smile and eye-smile that she always loves. The stare that Eunbi is giving to Hyewon, didn’t get unnoticed by Minjoo and Chaeyeon who are watching.  “An angel, she can do witchcrafts due to her mother’s teaching. She can also levitate and do some illusion, also she can go into full invisible form. Lastly, she can control one element which is air.” Eunbi said, she stiffens when Hyewon leans her head on her shoulder. She quickly gulps and continues to speak. 

“Yena the angel of Sloth, an angel who can also levitate without their wings. She can also do telekinesis and do object manipulation with her mind and hand, just by flicking it on the air or even by her eyes.” Eunbi said, she stopped when Chaeyeon finally spoke.

“Yena…the one that I am working with in the restaurant with me?” Chaeyeon asked and Eunbi nodded her head for the confirmation.

“So…all of them are angels??????!” Chaeyeon asked, her eyes widening from the sudden realization.

“Yes.” Eunbi said and Chaeyeon’s jaw hanging while having an eye contact with Eunbi.

“Next, Chaewon the angel of envy…she can read human’s thought or in short, telepathy. And she has the ability of invulnerability.”

“Invulnerability…someone who can’t feel any pain…that’s explain why she didn’t even react when I accidentally hit her feet because of the door.” Chaeyeon muttered to herself.

“Next angel, Yujin the angel of Greed.” Eunbi said. Hyewon is studying Minjoo’s features and she smiled softly when the girl’s ears perk up rom hearing Yujin’s name. However, Minjoo’s heart is currently pounding so fast just by hearing the younger’s name. She can’t deny the fact that she is missing the girl. It’s been so long that she has seen her face. 

“Well, Yujin can also levitate just like Yena and Hyewon. She also has this superhuman endurance, she can run so fast without getting tired. And lastly that kid has the ability of intangibility.” Eunbi said making Chaeyeon’s mouth shaped in O from because of amusement. 

“And the last angel is Sakura. The angel of wrath.” Eunbi stated. 

Chaeyeon suddenly caught her breathing upon hearing the girl’s name. The tsundere girl who is always angry and grumpy to her. She chuckles while shaking her head, the angel of wrath is really fitted to her making Eunbi to stopped talking as she looked at her.

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