VI) "Am I fated to you?"

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It was raining heavily. Hirotaka was sitting on the footpath hopelessly.

"I am tired. I am tired of everything in these 27 years of life!" He mumbled.
He didn't have the urge to live anymore, it's like an aimless life where you are slowly waiting for death!


A voice came.

Hirotaka didn't look up, he was still looking at the ground.

"Mister! Hello Mister?".It's the voice of a young girl, most probably a schoolgirl. Hirotaka felt disturbed,

"Damn! Why can't people leave me alone?", He thought.

"Mister why are you sitting in the rain? Are you homeless? Do you need food?" The voice asked. He didn't answer. He was just dead silent.

"Mister if you need food, here, take this bread, I am leaving it here, sorry I don't have much money, I can only afford this bread! I am giving my lunch to you so make sure you eat well!" She really left the bread near him.

He still didn't say anything, just took a glance at the bread.

"And Mister don't sit in the rain like this, it would be worse if you catch a cold in October! I am leaving this umbrella for you! I hope whatever trouble you are having in your mind it will solve soon!! Good luck!"

The girl left the umbrella near Hirotaka and started running away in the rain. He was quite surprised. Do kind people still exist in the world? He saw the girl from behind while she was running away. He took the bread and started eating it. "Ahh I was quite hungry, the bread tastes delicious!"
He looked at the umbrella, there was a name written there-

Kanazawa High School, 2000"


Hirotaka stood up holding the umbrella, "So she is a high schooler! That's the same school I got the call letter from! I will be joining the school in a few days, I will make sure to find her!" Slowly he walked towards his home

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Hirotaka stood up holding the umbrella, "So she is a high schooler! That's the same school I got the call letter from! I will be joining the school in a few days, I will make sure to find her!"

Slowly he walked towards his home.

"Mom! I am at home!" He called his mom.

No answer.

He went straight towards the living room, his mom was looking at the photo album. "Mom, I am home!" He said again.

"Hmm!" A small answer came. He didn't say anything further, he walked slowly towards his room.


"Ye-yes Mom!"

"Do you know what I am doing now?", She asked him in a sharp voice.

"You are looking at the photo album Mom!" He replied in a soft voice.

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