XXI) The Beast Inside Me!

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May 10, 2010

Zig Road, Osaka.

It was a dark and desolated night. The weather was cloudy, it was about to rain anytime soon. Myobi was driving the car he received as aid from Ayame. Anxiously he peeked at his wristwatch, it was 7.50 pm. He was very confused as well as anguished about the whole messed up situation.

"Damn what the hell is happening with me? Why am I running away? What if Mrs. Ayame pulled out a crazy prank on me? But she seemed to be distressed too! Ahhh, the weather is too absurd today! I am driving consistently for 3 hours... My shoulders are twinging now! I think I should take rest for some time." He was mumbling on his own while driving.

Apparently, he stopped the car to get some rest. He glanced outside from the car mirror glass and the whole road was deserted. There was no sign of any living beings close by him. He was dismayed with the dead silence on the road.

"I think I should have taken the main road! This shortcut route is too isolated! I think I made the wrong choice! But still, if I can drive consistently then I will reach Fukuoka much faster! I can see Yurika and Irie again if I reach there!" He t...

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"I think I should have taken the main road! This shortcut route is too isolated! I think I made the wrong choice! But still, if I can drive consistently then I will reach Fukuoka much faster! I can see Yurika and Irie again if I reach there!" He took out the wallet from his pocket with a sad face, slowly he held the picture of Yurika and Irie while gently kissing it with teary eyes.

"I don't know what's happening with me, I don't even know if I can reach you two or not... But I-I really want to live my life with both of you! I always wanted to quit the job and open a cafe with you Yurika! I have many dreams which I haven't fulfilled yet! I want to see you two so badly! Even if it's just for a second, but can you please just appear before me Yurika? I am scared today! I am really scared to lose you..." He uttered slowly.

On the spur of a moment, he took out his phone and dialed her. He was scared as well as desperate to hear her voice!

(Phone ringing)

"Hello? Myobi-san? Irie was just asking about you!" She answered him happily.

His eyes were teary while hearing her voice. With a heavy heart, he replied, "Yurika! I don't know but I feel something bad is going to happen with us!" He sounded mournful while talking to her.

"Myobi-san? What happened? Why do you sound so gloomy?" Yurika panicked with his response. In the meanwhile, Irie started nagging over the phone to talk to Myobi. 

He smiled a bit and replied, "give him the phone Yurika! I want to hear his voice too!"

"Hello, Daddy? When are you coming back? I want to play soccer with you! You will be the goalkeeper this time!" Irie sounded very happy while speaking to him. 

Myobi's voice choked with unbearable pain. He wanted to cry out badly holding both of them in his arms. Even it's just for a few seconds, still he wanted to see them gravely.

"Irie, if something happens to me today, don't ever leave her alone! Be the best son any mother can have! Stay by her side!" He replied very slowly with a choked voice. 

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