XVI) The Interrogation!

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"What?" Yurika was standing outside the cafe with a frozen expression.

"Yes, Mrs. Onodera! The name of the lady is Mrs. Ayame Takeshi. Well according to my investigations, she was also a part of your husband's work organization. She was even present on the day of their annual business meeting in the same hotel. But the next day, mysteriously she committed suicide and your husband disappeared too.." Detective Wan answered in a deep voice.

Yurika was feeling dizzy. Her mind was crowded with several questions. With a shaky voice, she asked him, "Was Mrs. Ayame accompanied by someone? Because Myobi-san told me that they were allowed to bring family members but as my son was very sick that day, I couldn't go with him.."

"Well, Mrs. Ayame did not have any child. Her only family member was her husband. And according to the registration of members in the hotel, she booked a room for her and her husband. So yes her husband accompanied her on the trip." He answered in a dense voice.

"Ca-Can you tell me the name of her husband?" Her heart was still unsure about everything.

"Umm, wait let me see....ahh yes, Mr. Hirotaka Takeshi."

Yurika suddenly felt a huge blow on her heart. She stood there motionless. "Hiro-san was present in Osaka that day? His wife even died that day too? Then maybe he has met Myobi-san too! But why didn't he tell me anything till now? Is he trying to hide something?"- she was immersed in thoughts.

"Hello? Mrs. Onodera? Hello?" He was asking continuously.

"Ye-Yes! Sorry I was unmindful!" She replied in a low voice.

"Well, all I can say Mrs. Onodera that something is very wrong with this case! When I was trying to solve one mystery, another one came into play! I think now I need to re-open Mrs. Ayame's case too! But I think both the cases were closed due to a lack of proper evidence. But I don't think these two cases are not interlinked with each other. The person who is behind all of these mysteries, he/she is a very sharp-minded criminal! I mean he packed up the whole mess so brilliantly that the cases were bound to be closed. But don't worry Mrs. Onodera, I will try my best to reach the end of this investigation. So, I need to know some basic pieces of information about Mr. Myobi, can I see you tomorrow in your cafe place?" He asked her.

"Ye-Yes! I will be waiting for you Sir!" She replied politely in a low voice

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"Ye-Yes! I will be waiting for you Sir!" She replied politely in a low voice.

He disconnected the call. Yurika looked at the sky hopelessly. "When I thought there is nothing hidden between us anymore, I came to know such a shocking truth! Why did you never tell me about this when I told you everything about Myobi-san? What are you hiding now Hiro-san?" She mumbled in a broken voice.



The next day, it was around 12 pm. Yurika was sitting in her cafe while looking outside the window in a blank gaze.

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